package main import ( "fmt" "os" "./cli" ) const Name = "gdrive" const Version = "2.0.0" const DefaultMaxFiles = 30 const DefaultMaxChanges = 100 const DefaultNameWidth = 40 const DefaultPathWidth = 60 const DefaultUploadChunkSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024 const DefaultQuery = "trashed = false and 'me' in owners" const DefaultShareRole = "reader" const DefaultShareType = "anyone" var DefaultConfigDir = GetDefaultConfigDir() func main() { globalFlags := []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{ Name: "configDir", Patterns: []string{"-c", "--config"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Application path, default: %s", DefaultConfigDir), DefaultValue: DefaultConfigDir, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "refreshToken", Patterns: []string{"--refresh-token"}, Description: "Oauth refresh token used to get access token (for advanced users)", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "accessToken", Patterns: []string{"--access-token"}, Description: "Oauth access token, only recommended for short-lived requests because of short lifetime (for advanced users)", }, } handlers := []*cli.Handler{ &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] list [options]", Description: "List files", Callback: listHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.IntFlag{ Name: "maxFiles", Patterns: []string{"-m", "--max"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Max files to list, default: %d", DefaultMaxFiles), DefaultValue: DefaultMaxFiles, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "query", Patterns: []string{"-q", "--query"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf(`Default query: "%s". See`, DefaultQuery), DefaultValue: DefaultQuery, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "sortOrder", Patterns: []string{"--order"}, Description: "Sort order. See", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "nameWidth", Patterns: []string{"--name-width"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Width of name column, default: %d, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width", DefaultNameWidth), DefaultValue: DefaultNameWidth, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "skipHeader", Patterns: []string{"--no-header"}, Description: "Dont print the header", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "sizeInBytes", Patterns: []string{"--bytes"}, Description: "Size in bytes", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] download [options] ", Description: "Download file or directory", Callback: downloadHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force", Patterns: []string{"-f", "--force"}, Description: "Overwrite existing file", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "recursive", Patterns: []string{"-r", "--recursive"}, Description: "Download directory recursively, documents will be skipped", OmitValue: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "path", Patterns: []string{"--path"}, Description: "Download path", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "delete", Patterns: []string{"--delete"}, Description: "Delete remote file when download is successful", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "stdout", Patterns: []string{"--stdout"}, Description: "Write file content to stdout", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] download query [options] ", Description: "Download all files and directories matching query", Callback: downloadQueryHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force", Patterns: []string{"-f", "--force"}, Description: "Overwrite existing file", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "recursive", Patterns: []string{"-r", "--recursive"}, Description: "Download directories recursively, documents will be skipped", OmitValue: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "path", Patterns: []string{"--path"}, Description: "Download path", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] upload [options] ", Description: "Upload file or directory", Callback: uploadHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "recursive", Patterns: []string{"-r", "--recursive"}, Description: "Upload directory recursively", OmitValue: true, }, cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "parent", Patterns: []string{"-p", "--parent"}, Description: "Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "name", Patterns: []string{"--name"}, Description: "Filename", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "mime", Patterns: []string{"--mime"}, Description: "Force mime type", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "share", Patterns: []string{"--share"}, Description: "Share file", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "delete", Patterns: []string{"--delete"}, Description: "Delete local file when upload is successful", OmitValue: true, }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "chunksize", Patterns: []string{"--chunksize"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Set chunk size in bytes, default: %d", DefaultUploadChunkSize), DefaultValue: DefaultUploadChunkSize, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] upload - [options] ", Description: "Upload file from stdin", Callback: uploadStdinHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "parent", Patterns: []string{"-p", "--parent"}, Description: "Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "chunksize", Patterns: []string{"--chunksize"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Set chunk size in bytes, default: %d", DefaultUploadChunkSize), DefaultValue: DefaultUploadChunkSize, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "mime", Patterns: []string{"--mime"}, Description: "Force mime type", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "share", Patterns: []string{"--share"}, Description: "Share file", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] update [options] ", Description: "Update file, this creates a new revision of the file", Callback: updateHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "parent", Patterns: []string{"-p", "--parent"}, Description: "Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents", }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "name", Patterns: []string{"--name"}, Description: "Filename", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "mime", Patterns: []string{"--mime"}, Description: "Force mime type", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "chunksize", Patterns: []string{"--chunksize"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Set chunk size in bytes, default: %d", DefaultUploadChunkSize), DefaultValue: DefaultUploadChunkSize, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] info [options] ", Description: "Show file info", Callback: infoHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "sizeInBytes", Patterns: []string{"--bytes"}, Description: "Show size in bytes", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] mkdir [options] ", Description: "Create directory", Callback: mkdirHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "parent", Patterns: []string{"-p", "--parent"}, Description: "Parent id of created directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents", }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] share [options] ", Description: "Share file or directory", Callback: shareHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.StringFlag{ Name: "role", Patterns: []string{"--role"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Share role: owner/writer/commenter/reader, default: %s", DefaultShareRole), DefaultValue: DefaultShareRole, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "type", Patterns: []string{"--type"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Share type: user/group/domain/anyone, default: %s", DefaultShareType), DefaultValue: DefaultShareType, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "email", Patterns: []string{"--email"}, Description: "The email address of the user or group to share the file with. Requires 'user' or 'group' as type", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "discoverable", Patterns: []string{"--discoverable"}, Description: "Make file discoverable by search engines", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "revoke", Patterns: []string{"--revoke"}, Description: "Delete all sharing permissions (owner roles will be skipped)", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] share list ", Description: "List files permissions", Callback: shareListHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] share revoke ", Description: "Revoke permission", Callback: shareRevokeHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] delete [options] ", Description: "Delete file or directory", Callback: deleteHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "recursive", Patterns: []string{"-r", "--recursive"}, Description: "Delete directory and all it's content", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] sync list [options]", Description: "List all syncable directories on drive", Callback: listSyncHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "skipHeader", Patterns: []string{"--no-header"}, Description: "Dont print the header", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] sync list content [options] ", Description: "List content of syncable directory", Callback: listRecursiveSyncHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.StringFlag{ Name: "sortOrder", Patterns: []string{"--order"}, Description: "Sort order. See", }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "pathWidth", Patterns: []string{"--path-width"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Width of path column, default: %d, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width", DefaultPathWidth), DefaultValue: DefaultPathWidth, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "skipHeader", Patterns: []string{"--no-header"}, Description: "Dont print the header", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "sizeInBytes", Patterns: []string{"--bytes"}, Description: "Size in bytes", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] sync download [options] ", Description: "Sync drive directory to local directory", Callback: downloadSyncHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "keepRemote", Patterns: []string{"--keep-remote"}, Description: "Keep remote file when a conflict is encountered", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "keepLocal", Patterns: []string{"--keep-local"}, Description: "Keep local file when a conflict is encountered", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "keepLargest", Patterns: []string{"--keep-largest"}, Description: "Keep largest file when a conflict is encountered", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "deleteExtraneous", Patterns: []string{"--delete-extraneous"}, Description: "Delete extraneous local files", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "dryRun", Patterns: []string{"--dry-run"}, Description: "Show what would have been transferred", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] sync upload [options] ", Description: "Sync local directory to drive", Callback: uploadSyncHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "keepRemote", Patterns: []string{"--keep-remote"}, Description: "Keep remote file when a conflict is encountered", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "keepLocal", Patterns: []string{"--keep-local"}, Description: "Keep local file when a conflict is encountered", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "keepLargest", Patterns: []string{"--keep-largest"}, Description: "Keep largest file when a conflict is encountered", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "deleteExtraneous", Patterns: []string{"--delete-extraneous"}, Description: "Delete extraneous remote files", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "dryRun", Patterns: []string{"--dry-run"}, Description: "Show what would have been transferred", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "chunksize", Patterns: []string{"--chunksize"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Set chunk size in bytes, default: %d", DefaultUploadChunkSize), DefaultValue: DefaultUploadChunkSize, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] changes [options]", Description: "List file changes", Callback: listChangesHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.IntFlag{ Name: "maxChanges", Patterns: []string{"-m", "--max"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Max changes to list, default: %d", DefaultMaxChanges), DefaultValue: DefaultMaxChanges, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "pageToken", Patterns: []string{"--since"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Page token to start listing changes from"), DefaultValue: "1", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "now", Patterns: []string{"--now"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Get latest page token"), OmitValue: true, }, cli.IntFlag{ Name: "nameWidth", Patterns: []string{"--name-width"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Width of name column, default: %d, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width", DefaultNameWidth), DefaultValue: DefaultNameWidth, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "skipHeader", Patterns: []string{"--no-header"}, Description: "Dont print the header", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] revision list [options] ", Description: "List file revisions", Callback: listRevisionsHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.IntFlag{ Name: "nameWidth", Patterns: []string{"--name-width"}, Description: fmt.Sprintf("Width of name column, default: %d, minimum: 9, use 0 for full width", DefaultNameWidth), DefaultValue: DefaultNameWidth, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "skipHeader", Patterns: []string{"--no-header"}, Description: "Dont print the header", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "sizeInBytes", Patterns: []string{"--bytes"}, Description: "Size in bytes", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] revision download [options] ", Description: "Download revision", Callback: downloadRevisionHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force", Patterns: []string{"-f", "--force"}, Description: "Overwrite existing file", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "stdout", Patterns: []string{"--stdout"}, Description: "Write file content to stdout", OmitValue: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "path", Patterns: []string{"--path"}, Description: "Download path", }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] revision delete ", Description: "Delete file revision", Callback: deleteRevisionHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] import [options] ", Description: "Upload and convert file to a google document, see 'about import' for available conversions", Callback: importHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "parent", Patterns: []string{"-p", "--parent"}, Description: "Parent id, used to upload file to a specific directory, can be specified multiple times to give many parents", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "noProgress", Patterns: []string{"--no-progress"}, Description: "Hide progress", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] export [options] ", Description: "Export a google document", Callback: exportHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force", Patterns: []string{"-f", "--force"}, Description: "Overwrite existing file", OmitValue: true, }, cli.StringFlag{ Name: "mime", Patterns: []string{"--mime"}, Description: "Mime type of exported file", }, cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "printMimes", Patterns: []string{"--print-mimes"}, Description: "Print available mime types for given file", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] about [options]", Description: "Google drive metadata, quota usage", Callback: aboutHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), cli.NewFlagGroup("options", cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "sizeInBytes", Patterns: []string{"--bytes"}, Description: "Show size in bytes", OmitValue: true, }, ), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] about import", Description: "Show supported import formats", Callback: aboutImportHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "[global] about export", Description: "Show supported export formats", Callback: aboutExportHandler, FlagGroups: cli.FlagGroups{ cli.NewFlagGroup("global", globalFlags...), }, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "version", Description: "Print application version", Callback: printVersion, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "help", Description: "Print help", Callback: printHelp, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "help ", Description: "Print command help", Callback: printCommandHelp, }, &cli.Handler{ Pattern: "help ", Description: "Print subcommand help", Callback: printSubCommandHelp, }, } cli.SetHandlers(handlers) if ok := cli.Handle(os.Args[1:]); !ok { ExitF("No valid arguments given, use '%s help' to see available commands", Name) } }