I had to make a Pecha Kucha format Lightening Talk, but normally when I am teaching once my code works I typically wing my presentation so I found making the slides kind of boring. To make things a bit more interesting I made this Gitpages website repository. It is not bad for practising your talk. If you want to use it just follow these steps:
- Fork this repository
- Go in to "Settings" and set "Github Pages" source to "master branch"
- Go back into "Settings --> Github Pages" and copy the new link to the top of this file (I also edit the webpage link near the top of your Github repository)
- Remember to wait about 30 seconds for any changes to showup. (I check ctrl-shift-i and look for the source to show my changes)
- Delete my image.png files and drag your own images to the github, you might want to label them in order ie a01cool-file.png, a02smart-file.png (commit the files)
- Change the index.html file to show your new images in the correct order. The line of code to look for looks like
<img class="mySlides" src="" style="width:100%">