All the assignments for Game Dev as images
Note: As of 2023 I really like codesandbox other than some confusing things that it wants you to fork your boxes, I think it is the best editor for a course like this since you typically can make a URL that then loads the entire backend for your advanced code.
For static code we typically use GitPages which is part of GitHub.
Other Editors: click the "Start Coding" button and put all the code into the html side
You can get the code here t2a03-Classes-by-fred.html
You can get the code here t2a04-extend-class-by-fred.html
On one webpage get all the code working from the following page
as a webpage
t3a11-ML-edgeimpulse.html EdgeImpulse Machine Learning Model to be put on your github. (Make a new folder inside your public folder with an index.html inside the new folder)
Note: The code for the edgeImpulse index.html is here indexEI.html
t3a12-ML-huggingFace.html HuggingFace Javascript Machine Learning Model Grab one or two of these example Javascript access to HuggingFace ML Datasets and put them on your github site.
Code for t2a06-spy-by-fred.html
as a webpage
Code for t2a07-move-background-name.html
as a webpage
Code for t2a08-canvas-name.html
as a webpage
Code for t2a09-local-storage-name.html
as a webpage
Code for t2a10-translate-name.html
as a webpage
Code for t2a10b-sound-by-fred.html
as a webpage
Code for t2a11-game-template-fred.html
as a webpage
The key to understanding collisions in the game template is this bit of code
Code for t2a12-sort-name2.html
as a webpage
Helper Not for marks x-keydown.html
as a webpage
Helper Not for marks x-rotate01.html
as a webpage
Use the game template t2a11-game-template-fred.html to make your level1 game. The level1 game must be finished to pass the course
This can be a continuation of the level1 2D Javascript game above or your own game engine or the following:
Typically we use Construct3 online, you do not have to register
- click "Try now"
- click on a template, some are paid ones I suggest to try "Driving"
- Click preview, play game to make sure it works
- Menu --> Project --> Export --> Web (HTML5) --> Next --> Next --> click Download...
- Extract the zipped file and drag the entire folder to your github
- Create an index link to the folder name
- Test your online javascript level 2 game.
Code for t4a03-complete-fred2.html
as a webpage
Code for t4a04-maze2.html
as a webpage
Code for t4a06-bullet.html
as a webpage
Code for t4a07-boundaries-from-maze.html
as a webpage
Code for t4a08-random-move.html
as a webpage
Code for t4a09-bounce.html
as a webpage
Code for t4a10-flappy.html
as a webpage
Code for z-hackbrowser.html Traditionally most students do not understand how this browser object information page works.
There are multiple blank buttons ready for you to set up an object on the page and then extract information about the object: class names, methods and properties. An awesome page but confusing to get fully working
as a webpage
Wow: A student found pyScript,
PyScript allows Python inside a webpage. Best way to learn is look at the examples and then right-click-view-webpage
Go to code sandbox and start a PHP container
By the way php is best for using mySQL and similar databases. Might be a good idea to try to use those.
code [here] [public/php.php]
A working example of this running in a codesandbox is here
and the sandbox can be forked from
As this years class has very advanced students, we are doing some live coding based on situations madeup in class The code below was made on the fly and is the starting point for improvements. Or are a problem given to the students and they find results, that then we show the other students
For this see if you can auto populate the select box