from .Ast import Ast from .Builtin import * import collections as C NIL = Ast('NIL') Op = C.namedtuple('Op','name arity') def _Parse(t:list,verbose:int)->Ast: ''' Parse(Scan(str)) ⇒ AST ''' if not t: return z,b,s,d = len(t),[],[],[] noun = lambda x:type(x)==tuple or type(x)==str and x.replace('.','').replace('-','').isalnum() def debug(*args):#optional logging if verbose<1: return R = lambda x:'LF' if x==LF else str(x) ss = ' '.join(f'{R(}{"⁰¹²"[x.arity]}' for x in s) sd = ' '.join(map(R,d)) print(f'[{ss:<19}] [{sd:<15}]'+' '.join(map(R,args))) def pad(n): (n=='' or n in CPAREN) and d.append(NIL)#()⇒(lst NIL) []⇒(prg NIL) {}⇒(lam NIL) def balance(op) -> bool:#incremental parentheses check if op in OPAREN: b.append(CPAREN[OPAREN.index(op)]); return 0 if op in CPAREN and (not b or op!=b.pop()): return 1 def err(i,m=''): return f'Parse: {m}{LF}{"".join(t[:i]).strip()}' def reduce(until:str):#reduce until (until) matches while s and str(s[-1].name) not in until: rt(*s.pop()) def rt(x,arity):#(r)educe (t)op of stack based on x's arity (and precedence) k = [d.pop() for _ in range(min(len(d),arity))][::-1] if x in ENDEXP: if len(k)>1 and k[1][0]==x: k = [k[0],*k[1][1]] elif len(k)>0 and k[0][0]==x: k = [*k[0][1],*k[1:]] if x in KEYWORD: d.append(Ast(x,*k)) #TODO: (and;or) short-circuiting operators elif noun(x): d.append(Ast('app',Ast(x),*k)) elif type(x)==Ast and k: d.append(Ast('app',x,*k)) else: d.append(Ast(x,*k)) debug('rt',x,k) def rp(x:Op):#(r)educe (p)aren, e.g: reduce(OPAREN); rp(s.pop()) k = Ast(,*(y[1] if (y:=d.pop())[0]==';' else (y,))) if'(' and len(k[1])==1 and k[1][0]!=NIL: k = k[1][0] if'[' and x.arity==2: k = Ast('app',d.pop(),k) d.append(k); debug('rp',x,k) def rq(k:Ast):#juxtaposition-based syntax: projection and composition while s and str(s[-1].name) not in OPAREN+ENDEXP: x,a = s.pop() k = Ast('cmp',Ast('prj',Ast(x),d.pop()) if a==2 else Ast(x),k) d.append(k); debug('rq') def loop(i=0) -> int|None:#return index of error-causing token (if any), else None nn = lambda i:(t[i+1] if type(t[i+1])==str else 1) if i+1=z: return c,i,n = t[i],i+1,nn(i); debug(c,'→',n or 'END') if balance(c): return i if type(c)==tuple: d.append(Ast('vec',*map(Ast,c))); break if c in WHITESPACE and n=='/': return if c in WHITESPACE: continue if c in ENDEXP: d.append(NIL); pad(n); reduce(OPAREN); s.append(Op(';',2)) elif c in OPAREN: pad(n); s.append(Op(c,1)) elif c in CPAREN: reduce(OPAREN); rp(x:=s.pop()); if s and s[-1].name=='{' and'[' and n!='}': s.append(Op(';',2)) else: break elif c in ADVERB: x = s.pop(); s.append(Op(Ast(c,Ast(,x.arity)); x.arity==2 and pad(n) elif c in KEYWORD: s.append(Op(c,1)) elif noun(c) or c[0] in '`"': d.append(Ast(c)); break elif c in ASSIGN+VERB+VERBM and n in CPAREN+ENDEXP: d.append(Ast(c)) if s and s[-1].name in OPAREN else rq(Ast('prj',Ast(c))); break elif c in VERB+VERBM and n in ADVERB: d.append(Ast(c)); break else: s.append(Op(c,1)) while True:#binary if i>=z: return c,i,n = t[i],i+1,nn(i); debug(c,'↔',n or 'END') if balance(c): return i if type(c)==tuple: d.append(Ast('vec',*map(Ast,c))); continue if c in WHITESPACE and n=='/': return if c in WHITESPACE: continue if c in ENDEXP: reduce(OPAREN); pad(n); s.append(Op(';',2)) elif c in OPAREN: c in "({" and s.append(Op(d.pop(),1)); pad(n); s.append(Op(c,2)) elif c in CPAREN: reduce(OPAREN); rp(x:=s.pop()) if s and s[-1].name=='{' and'[' and n!='}': s.append(Op(';',2)) else: continue elif c in ADVERB: k = Ast(c,d.pop())#bind adverb to whatever while n in ADVERB: k,i,n = Ast(n,k),i+1,nn(i) if s: debug('adverb') if not noun(str(s[-1].name)): s.append(Op(k,1)) else: d.append(Ast(s.pop().name)); s.append(Op(k,2)) else: s.append(Op(k,1)) if s[-1].arity==2: pad(n) elif c in ASSIGN: if n in CPAREN+ENDEXP: rq(Ast('prj',Ast(c),d.pop())); continue else: s.append(Op(c,2)) elif c in VERBM: if n in CPAREN+ENDEXP: raise SyntaxError(err(i,"can't project a prefix op")) else: s.append(Op(c,1)) elif c in KEYWORD+VERB: if c!='.' and s and s[-1]==Op('.',2): reduce('') #precedence: a.b+1 == (a.b)+1 if n in CPAREN+ENDEXP: rq(Ast('prj',Ast(c),d.pop())); continue else: s.append(Op(c,2)) else: s.append(Op(d.pop(),1))#top of d wasn't a noun after all if noun(c) or c[0] in '`"': d.append(Ast(c)); continue pad(n); s.append(Op(c,1)) break if i:=loop(): raise SyntaxError(err(i,'unbalanced paren')) debug('done'); reduce('') while len(d)>1: x=d.pop(); d.append(Ast('app',d.pop(),x)) if len(d)!=1 or len(s) or len(b): raise SyntaxError(err(z,'leftover stack, maybe unbalanced paren')) return d.pop() def Parse(t:list,verbose:int=0): return _Parse(t,verbose)