We upgraded ng-mocks to 9.6.1 today and several (about 10 of ~700) tests break because of ngrx missing injection tokens:
NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[StoreFeatureModule -> InjectionToken @ngrx/store Internal Store Features -> InjectionToken @ngrx/store Internal Store Features]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken @ngrx/store Internal Store Features!
error properties: Object({ originalStack: 'Error: NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken @ngrx/store Internal Store Features!
These now failing tests work absolutely fine with 9.5.0, @ngrx/effects 9.2.0 and @ngrx/store 9.2.0.
I see that the Module mock has been totally refactored and as far as I can tell it now seems to sometimes miss the given imports of StoreModule.forRoot(), StoreModule.forFeature(), EffectsModule.forRoot() and EffectsModule.forFeature().