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⚠️ Repo Archive Notice

As of Nov 13, 2020, charts in this repo will no longer be updated. For more information, see the Helm Charts Deprecation and Archive Notice, and Update.


Sentry is a cross-platform crash reporting and aggregation platform.

This helm chart is not official nor maintained by Sentry itself.

Deprecation Warning

As part of the deprecation timeline, another repository has taken over the chart here

Note: this repository supports Sentry 10.

Please make PRs / Issues here from now on.


$ helm install --wait stable/sentry


This chart bootstraps a Sentry deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

It also optionally packages the PostgreSQL and Redis which are required for Sentry.


  • Kubernetes 1.4+ with Beta APIs enabled
  • helm >= v2.3.0 to run "weighted" hooks in right order.
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure (with persistence storage enabled)

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install --name my-release --wait stable/sentry

Note: We have to use the --wait flag for initial creation because the database creation takes longer than the default 300 seconds

The command deploys Sentry on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Warning: This Chart does not support helm upgrade an upgrade will currently reset your installation

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Warning: Jobs are not deleted automatically. They need to be manually deleted

$ kubectl delete job/sentry-db-init job/sentry-user-create


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Sentry chart and their default values.

Dependent charts can also have values overwritten. Preface values with postgresql.* or redis.*

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Sentry image library/sentry
image.tag Sentry image tag 9.1.2
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.imagePullSecrets Specify image pull secrets []
sentrySecret Specify SENTRY_SECRET_KEY. If isn't specified it will be generated automatically. nil
web.podAnnotations Web pod annotations {}
web.podLabels Web pod extra labels {}
web.replicacount Amount of web pods to run 1
web.resources.limits Web resource limits {cpu: 500m, memory: 500Mi}
web.resources.requests Web resource requests {cpu: 300m, memory: 300Mi}
web.env Additional web environment variables [{name: GITHUB_APP_ID}, {name: GITHUB_API_SECRET}]
web.nodeSelector Node labels for web pod assignment {}
web.affinity Affinity settings for web pod assignment {}
web.schedulerName Name of an alternate scheduler for web pod nil
web.tolerations Toleration labels for web pod assignment []
web.livenessProbe.failureThreshold The liveness probe failure threshold 5
web.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The liveness probe initial delay seconds 50
web.livenessProbe.periodSeconds The liveness probe period seconds 10
web.livenessProbe.successThreshold The liveness probe success threshold 1
web.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds The liveness probe timeout seconds 2
web.readinessProbe.failureThreshold The readiness probe failure threshold 10
web.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds The readiness probe initial delay seconds 50
web.readinessProbe.periodSeconds The readiness probe period seconds 10
web.readinessProbe.successThreshold The readiness probe success threshold 1
web.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds The readiness probe timeout seconds 2
web.priorityClassName The priorityClassName on web deployment nil
web.hpa.enabled Boolean to create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for web deployment false
web.hpa.cputhreshold CPU threshold percent for the web HorizontalPodAutoscaler 60
web.hpa.minpods Min pods for the web HorizontalPodAutoscaler 1
web.hpa.maxpods Max pods for the web HorizontalPodAutoscaler 10
cron.podAnnotations Cron pod annotations {}
cron.podLabels Worker pod extra labels {}
cron.replicacount Amount of cron pods to run 1
cron.resources.limits Cron resource limits {cpu: 200m, memory: 200Mi}
cron.resources.requests Cron resource requests {cpu: 100m, memory: 100Mi}
cron.nodeSelector Node labels for cron pod assignment {}
cron.affinity Affinity settings for cron pod assignment {}
cron.schedulerName Name of an alternate scheduler for cron pod nil
cron.tolerations Toleration labels for cron pod assignment []
cron.priorityClassName The priorityClassName on cron deployment nil
worker.podAnnotations Worker pod annotations {}
worker.podLabels Worker pod extra labels {}
worker.replicacount Amount of worker pods to run 2
worker.resources.limits Worker resource limits {cpu: 300m, memory: 500Mi}
worker.resources.requests Worker resource requests {cpu: 100m, memory: 100Mi}
worker.nodeSelector Node labels for worker pod assignment {}
worker.schedulerName Name of an alternate scheduler for worker nil
worker.affinity Affinity settings for worker pod assignment {}
worker.tolerations Toleration labels for worker pod assignment []
worker.concurrency Celery worker concurrency nil
worker.priorityClassName The priorityClassName on workers deployment nil
worker.hpa.enabled Boolean to create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for worker deployment false
worker.hpa.cputhreshold CPU threshold percent for the worker HorizontalPodAutoscaler 60
worker.hpa.minpods Min pods for the worker HorizontalPodAutoscaler 1
worker.hpa.maxpods Max pods for the worker HorizontalPodAutoscaler 10
user.create Create the default admin true Username for default admin admin@sentry.local
user.password Password for default admin Randomly generated
email.from_address Email notifications are from smtp SMTP host for sending email smtp
email.port SMTP port 25
email.user SMTP user nil
email.password SMTP password nil
email.use_tls SMTP TLS for security false
email.enable_replies Allow email replies false
email.existingSecret SMTP password from an existing secret nil
email.existingSecretKey Key to get from the email.existingSecret secret smtp-password
service.type Kubernetes service type LoadBalancer Kubernetes service name sentry
service.externalPort Kubernetes external service port 9000
service.internalPort Kubernetes internal service port 9000
service.annotations Service annotations {}
service.nodePort Kubernetes service NodePort port Randomly chosen by Kubernetes
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Allow list for the load balancer nil
ingress.enabled Enable ingress controller resource false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.labels Ingress labels {}
ingress.hostname URL to address your Sentry installation sentry.local
ingress.path path to address your Sentry installation /
ingress.extraPaths Ingress extra paths to prepend to every host configuration. []
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
postgresql.enabled Deploy postgres server (see below) true
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase Postgres database name sentry
postgresql.postgresqlUsername Postgres username postgres
postgresql.postgresqlHost External postgres host nil
postgresql.postgresqlPassword External/Internal postgres password nil
postgresql.postgresqlPort External postgres port 5432
postgresql.existingSecret Name of existing secret to use for the PostgreSQL password nil
postgresql.existingSecretKey Key to get from the postgresql.existingSecret secret postgresql-password
redis.enabled Deploy redis server (see below) true External redis host nil
redis.password External redis password nil
redis.port External redis port 6379
redis.existingSecret Name of existing secret to use for the Redis password nil
redis.existingSecretKey Key to get from the redis.existingSecret secret redis-password
filestore.backend Backend for Sentry Filestore filesystem
filestore.filesystem.path Location to store files for Sentry /var/lib/sentry/files
filestore.filesystem.persistence.enabled Enable Sentry files persistence using PVC true
filestore.filesystem.persistence.existingClaim Provide an existing PersistentVolumeClaim nil
filestore.filesystem.persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class nil (uses alpha storage class annotation)
filestore.filesystem.persistence.accessMode PVC Access Mode ReadWriteOnce
filestore.filesystem.persistence.size PVC Storage Request 10Gi
filestore.filesystem.persistence.persistentWorkers Mount the PVC to Sentry workers, enabling features such as private source maps false
filestore.gcs.credentialsFile Filename of the service account in secret credentials.json
filestore.gcs.secretName The name of the secret for GCS access nil
filestore.gcs.bucketName The name of the GCS bucket nil
filestore.s3.accessKey S3 access key nil
filestore.s3.secretKey S3 secret key nil
filestore.s3.existingSecret Name of existing secret to use for the S3 keys nil
filestore.s3.bucketName The name of the S3 bucket nil
filestore.s3.endpointUrl The endpoint url of the S3 (using for "MinIO S3 Backend") nil
filestore.s3.signature_version S3 signature version (optional) nil
filestore.s3.region_name S3 region name (optional) nil
filestore.s3.default_acl S3 default acl (optional) nil
config.configYml Sentry config.yml file ``
config.sentryConfPy Sentry file ``
metrics.enabled Start an exporter for sentry metrics false
metrics.nodeSelector Node labels for metrics pod assignment {}
metrics.tolerations Toleration labels for metrics pod assignment []
metrics.affinity Affinity settings for metrics pod {}
metrics.schedulerName Name of an alternate scheduler for metrics pod nil
metrics.podLabels Labels for metrics pod nil
metrics.resources Metrics resource requests/limit {}
metrics.service.type Kubernetes service type for metrics service ClusterIP
metrics.service.labels Additional labels for metrics service {}
metrics.image.repository Metrics exporter image repository prom/statsd-exporter
metrics.image.tag Metrics exporter image tag v0.10.5
metrics.image.PullPolicy Metrics exporter image pull policy IfNotPresent
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled if true, creates a Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor (also requires metrics.enabled to be true) false
metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace Optional namespace which Prometheus is running in nil
metrics.serviceMonitor.interval How frequently to scrape metrics (use by default, falling back to Prometheus' default) nil
metrics.serviceMonitor.selector Default to kube-prometheus install (CoreOS recommended), but should be set according to Prometheus install { prometheus: kube-prometheus }
hooks.affinity Affinity settings for hooks pods {}
hooks.tolerations Toleration labels for hook pod assignment []
hooks.dbInit.enabled Boolean to enable the dbInit job using a hook true
hooks.dbInit.resources.limits Hook job resource limits {memory: 3200Mi}
hooks.dbInit.resources.requests Hook job resource requests {memory: 3000Mi} name of the ServiceAccount to be used by access-controlled resources autogenerated
serviceAccount.create Configures if a ServiceAccount with this name should be created true
serviceAccount.annotations Configures annotation for the ServiceAccount {}

Dependent charts can also have values overwritten. Preface values with postgresql. or redis.

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release \
  --set persistence.enabled=false, \

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml stable/sentry

Tip: You can use the default <values.yaml>


By default, PostgreSQL is installed as part of the chart. To use an external PostgreSQL server set postgresql.enabled to false and then set postgresql.postgresHost and postgresql.postgresqlPassword. The other options (postgresql.postgresqlDatabase, postgresql.postgresqlUsername and postgresql.postgresqlPort) may also want changing from their default values.

To avoid issues when upgrade this chart, provide postgresql.postgresqlPassword for subsequent upgrades. This is due to an issue in the PostgreSQL chart where password will be overwritten with randomly generated passwords otherwise. See for more detail.


By default, Redis is installed as part of the chart. To use an external Redis server/cluster set redis.enabled to false and then set If your redis cluster uses password define it with redis.password, otherwise just omit it. Check the table above for more configuration options.


The Sentry image stores the Sentry data at the /var/lib/sentry/files path of the container.

Persistent Volume Claims are used to keep the data across deployments. This is known to work in GCE, AWS, and minikube. See the Configuration section to configure the PVC or to disable persistence.


This chart provides support for Ingress resource. If you have an available Ingress Controller such as Nginx or Traefik you maybe want to set ingress.enabled to true and choose an ingress.hostname for the URL. Then, you should be able to access the installation using that address.


This chart is capable of mounting the sentry-data PV in the Sentry worker and cron pods. This feature is disabled by default, but is needed for some advanced features such as private sourcemaps.

You may enable mounting of the sentry-data PV across worker and cron pods by changing filestore.filesystem.persistence.persistentWorkers to true. If you plan on deploying Sentry containers across multiple nodes, you may need to change your PVC's access mode to ReadWriteMany and check that your PV supports mounting across multiple nodes.

Upgrading from pre-2.0.0

The persistence keys have changed in charts 2.0.0 and newer, the following shows the mapping of keys from pre-2.0.0 to their current form:

Previous Key New Key
persistence.enabled filestore.filesystem.persistence.enabled
persistence.existingClaim filestore.filesystem.persistence.existingClaim
persistence.storageClass filestore.filesystem.persistence.storageClass
persistence.accessMode filestore.filesystem.persistence.accessMode
persistence.size filestore.filesystem.persistence.size
persistence.filestore_dir filestore.filesystem.path
persistence.persistentWorkers filestore.filesystem.persistence.persistentWorkers