describe 'Enumerable filters' do context 'Enumerable methods' do Enumerable_methods = <<-METHODS Enumerable#methods: all? collect drop_while entries find_all group_by lazy min partition slice_after take uniq any? collect_concat each_cons exclude? find_index include? many? min_by pluck slice_before take_while without as_json count each_entry excluding first including map minmax reduce slice_when tally zip chain cycle each_slice filter flat_map index_by max minmax_by reject sort to_a chunk detect each_with_index filter_map grep index_with max_by none? reverse_each sort_by to_h chunk_while drop each_with_object find grep_v inject member? one? select sum to_set METHODS end context '- find' do items = %w(hello mello yello) it 'returns the first item in the collection for which the block evaluates to true' do result = items.find do |x| x.end_with?('llo') end expect(result).to eq 'hello' end it 'returns nil if no such item was found' do result = items.find do |x| x.end_with?('red') end expect(result).to eq nil end end context '- detect (same as find)' do items = %w(hello mello red) it 'returns the first item in the collection for which the block evaluates to true' do result = items.detect do |x| x.end_with?('ed') end expect(result).to eq 'red' end it 'returns nil if no such item was found' do result = items.detect do |x| x.end_with?('xxx') end expect(result).to eq nil end end context '- find_all' do items = %w(hello mello yello) it 'returns all items in the collection for which the block evaluates to true' do result = items.find_all do |x| x.end_with?('llo') end expect(result).to eq ['hello', 'mello', 'yello'] end it 'returns empty array if no such item was found' do result = items.find_all do |x| x.end_with?('red') end expect(result).to eq [] end end context '- select (same as find_all)' do items = %w(hello mello yello) it 'returns all items in the collection for which the block evaluates to true' do result = do |x| x.end_with?('llo') end expect(result).to eq ['hello', 'mello', 'yello'] end it 'returns empty array if no such item was found' do result = do |x| x.end_with?('red') end expect(result).to eq [] end end context '- reject' do items = %w(hello mello yellow) it 'returns all items in the collection for which the block evaluates to false (i.e removes items w/truthy blocks)' do result = items.reject do |x| x.end_with?('llow') end expect(result).to eq ['hello', 'mello'] end it 'returns empty array if none of the items for which the block evaluates to false' do result = items.reject do |x| x.include?('llo') end expect(result).to eq [] end end context '- grep(x) or grep(/x/)' do items = %w(hello mello yellow) it 'returns all items in the collection for which x === item (i.e exact match)' do result = items.grep('mello') expect(result).to eq ['mello'] end it 'returns all items in the collection for which x ~= item (i.e item.match(/x/) - example 1)' do result = items.grep(/llo/) expect(result).to eq ['hello','mello','yellow'] end it 'returns all items in the collection for which x ~= item (i.e item.match(/x/) - example 2)' do result = items.grep(/llow/) expect(result).to eq ['yellow'] end it 'returns all items in the collection for which x ~= item (i.e item.match(/x/) - example 3)' do result = items.grep(/llo\b/) # \b for word boundary expect(result).to eq ['hello','mello'] end end end