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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Content migration tools for AEM Franklin

Getting Started

Clone this project and run npm install.

Supported Operations - Get Help

Get URLs (from sitemap) to import:

./index.js urls --help

Document import:

./index.js import --help

Google Drive upload:

./index.js upload --help

Publishing and Indexing (via Franklin Admin API)

./index.js publish --help

Get URLs

./index.js urls --help

Example - get a list of URLs and save to a file as JSON:

./index.js urls -s -o urls.json

Example - project specific url mapping

./index.js urls -s --mappingScript longurlmapping.js

Example - using lastmod date

./index.js urls -s -t 2023-10-01T09:00:00-00:00

URL mapping script example - extracting long path from data attribute

import fetch from '@adobe/node-fetch-retry';
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom';

async function parseHTML(text) {
    const jsdom = new JSDOM(text);
    return jsdom.window.document;

async function fetchDocument(url) {
    const resp = await fetch(url);
    if (resp.ok) {
      const text = await resp.text();
      return await parseHTML(text);
    } else {
      console.log(`Unable to fetch ${url}. Response status: ${resp.status}`);
async function fetchLongPath(url) {
    // console.log(`fetching long path from ${url}`);
    const doc = await fetchDocument(url);
    if (doc) {
        return doc.body.getAttribute('data-page-path');

const map = async (orgUrl, params) => {
    const longPath = await fetchLongPath(orgUrl); 
    if (longPath) {
        try {
            const url = new URL(orgUrl);
            return `${url.protocol}//${url.hostname}${longPath}`
        } catch (err) {
            console.log(`Unable to get long path for ${orgUrl}. ${err.message}`);
    return orgUrl;

export {

Import Usage and Examples

./index.js import --help

To run an import

Simple example:

./index.js import --urls data/test-urls.json --ts scripts/import.mjs

Change data/test-urls.json to a path of the file containing JSON array of URLs to import. Change scripts/import.js to project specifc transformation script. See Franklin Importer UI project and Importer Guidelines for more information on transformation script.

By default imported documents and import report will be stored under docs subfolder. You can change this as follows.

./index.js import --urls data/test-urls.json --ts scripts/import.mjs --target /myImportedDocs

You can pass parameters to transformation script (params argument in your transformation script method).

./index.js import --urls data/test-urls.json --ts scripts/import.mjs --target /myImportedDocs --params data/params.json

Note that both --urls and --params except a valid JSON string as input insead of a file path or URL (JSON array for --urls).

./index.js import --urls '[""]' --ts scripts/import.mjs --target /myImportedDocs --params '{ "param1": "banana", "param2": "apple" }'

Notes on transformation script

Note that in order to be loaded by Node module system the transformation script file has a .mjs extension. Also, for compatibility with both this CLI tool and Franklin Importer UI runing in the browser it needs to have both exports bellow.

// export compatible with node
export {

// export compatible with browser but breaks with node
export default {
  preprocess: preprocess,
  transform: transform

Google Drive Authentication (credentials.json)

This applies to upload and publish commands which require access to files and folders on Google Drive.

Create credentials.json file

  1. Go to the Google Developers Console.
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one.
  3. Enable the Google Drive API for your project.
  4. Create credentials (OAuth 2.0 client ID) for your project.
  5. Download the JSON credentials file, and save it as credentials.json in your local file system.


Use --credentials or -c argument to pass credentials.json location to upload or publish commands. The first time you run one of these commands the program will open a browser window with Google Authentication prompt. Login as Google user that has access to Google Drive folder where your Franklin project content will be stored. Authentication token will saved in token.json file and used authenticate next time you run one of these commands. Delete token.json if you need to refresh the token or login as different user.

Upload Usage and Examples

Google Drive upload:

./index.js upload --help

Upload to an empty folder on google drive:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json

Upload to a folder on google drive and overwrite files with the same name:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json -mode overwrite

Upload to a folder on google drive and overwrite files with the same name only if a local copy is newer:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json -mode overwriteOlder

Upload to a folder on google drive and overwrite files with the same name only if a local copy is newer:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json -mode overwriteOlder

Upload to a folder on google drive only if the file with the same name does not exist on google drive:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json -mode keepRemote

Estimate total number of files and total size of the upload:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json -mode scanonly

Estimate total number of files and total size of the upload, and print current file listing from Google Drive:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json -mode scanonly -p

Start a folder listener and upload files when they are created/modified:

./index.js upload -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj -s ./myImportedDocs -c credentials.json -mode overwrite -l

Publishing Usage and Examples

./index.js publish --help

Publish to preview

./index.js publish -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj --op preview -h main--helix-sportsmagazine--headwirecom.hlx

Publish live

./index.js publish -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj --op live -h main--helix-sportsmagazine--headwirecom.hlx


./index.js publish -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj --op index -h main--helix-sportsmagazine--headwirecom.hlx

Get current index

./index.js publish -t 1HyaaV7_cFS4O0rHm2Zk2KChUOjjjj --op index -m GET -h main--helix-sportsmagazine--headwirecom.hlx


Content migration tools for AEM Franklin






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