Starter project to write E2E tests with cucumber-js v7
and playwright-fluent
in TypeScript language.
- run the command
npm install
- run the command
npm test
The last reporter/formatter found on the cucumber-js command-line wins:
--format summary --format @cucumber/pretty-formatter --format cucumber-console-formatter
In package.json file, modify the cucumber
script to keep only your preferred formatter.
- tag the scenario with
- set the breakpoints in the typescript code
- Start debugging
- tag the scenario(s) with
- run the command
npm run only
- tag the scenario(s) with
- run the command
npm run live
The browser will stay opened at the end of the tests execution.
- tag the scenario with
- run the command
npm run build
- run the command
npm run steps-usage
- run the command
npm run report
first write the Given/When/Then sentence:
Given I push "foo" on "bar"
run the npm script:
npm run snippets
the script will report the missing step(s): you just need to copy and paste them in the step definitions file:
Given('I push {string} on {string}', async function (string, string2) { // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions return 'pending'; });
With cucumber-js v7, you cannot have anymore custom options on the CLI. This is a breaking change with cucumber-js v6.
You must instead use environment variables.
When running your tests localy, you can setup environment variables by customizing the file set-environment-variables.ts.
When running on a CI, you should setup your jobs with the expected environment variables.
- cutomize the given Custom World Object : custom-world