👋 Hi there, I'm Haejin (think like, "hedgin' your bets").
I'm a software engineer with a passion for fullstack web development and making life easier.
Recently worked on creating a better developer experience with Reactime (a DevTool for time-travel debugging Redux-less* React apps). So, if you want to chat, I encourage you to reach out.
Always interested in new tech to make for more extensible, maintainable projects and contributions.
Below are my personal favorites.
- Javascript - quirky, lovable, prolific, very poorly named
- Typescript - a superset of Javascript and (to me) a welcome shift to static typing for the web
- React.js - Lightweight, extensible UI component library for Javascript lovers
- Apollo Client - If you give a mouse a GraphQL API...at least give them this too
- Node.js - Asynchronous Javascript-based server runtime environment
- Express.js - A thin layer to apply over Node for modular routing and more succinctly "express"ed server logic
- Jest - Delightfully readable and feature-rich assertion framework to create unit tests in pure isolation
Below are things I've used in my own projects and whose value I can attest to.
- Redux - Structured wrapper around your app to "connect" any component to a global state (Note: use wisely)
- Redux Toolkit - Organize verbose boilerplate and reducers into neat "slices" and more!
- immer - Skip the functional ceremony, and just mutate state directly! (but not really)
- Webpack - Module bundler
- axios - Clean interface for making HTTP client requests
- Lodash - Neat utility to boost your ability to write clean, effective JS operations