rpitx is a radio transmitter for Raspberry Pi (B,B+ and PI2) which output directly to GPIO. (Created by Evariste Courjaud F5OEO. Code is GPL) *
git clone the repository cd rpitx make sure to have access to Internet to download packages : libsndfile1-dev and imagemagick otherwise install them manualy ./install.sh Plug a wire on GPIO 18, means Pin 12 of the GPIO header ([header P1](http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals#General_Purpose_Input.2FOutput_.28GPIO.29)): this act as the antenna. Length depend on transmit frequency, but with few centimeters it works for local testing. **rpitx** is the main software to transmit. It allows to transmit - from **IQ** files *.iq (could be generated by external software like gnuradio or by some few examples of modulations). - from **Frequency/Time** files *.ft (generally used implement easily digital modes)Usage:
rpitx [-i File Input][-m ModeInput] [-f frequency output] [-s Samplerate] [-l] [-p ppm] [-h]
-m {IQ(FileInput is a Stereo Wav contains I on left Channel, Q on right channel)}
{IQFLOAT(FileInput is a Raw float interlaced I,Q)}
{RF(FileInput is a (double)Frequency,Time in nanoseconds}
{RFA(FileInput is a (double)Frequency,(int)Time in nanoseconds,(float)Amplitude}
{VFO (constant frequency)}
-i path to File Input
-f float frequency to output on GPIO_18 pin 12 in khz : (130 kHz to 750 MHz),
-l loop mode for file input
-p float frequency correction in parts per million (ppm), positive or negative, for calibration, default 0.
-d int DMABurstSize (default 1000) but for very short message, could be decrease
-h help (this help).