.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guysoft/FullPageOS/devel/media/FullPageOS.png
.. :scale: 50 %
.. :alt: FullPageOS logo
A `Raspberry Pi `_ distribution to display one webpage in full screen. It includes `Chromium `_ out of the box and the scripts necessary to load it at boot.
This repository contains the source script to generate the distribution out of an existing `Raspbian `_ distro image.
FullPageOS is a fork of `OctoPi `_
Where to get it?
Official mirror is `here `_
Nightly builds are available `here `_ (currently built on demand)
How to use it?
#. Unzip the image and install it to an SD card `like any other Raspberry Pi image `_
#. Configure your WiFi by editing ``fullpageos-network.txt`` on the root of the flashed card when using it like a flash drive
#. Boot the Pi from the SD card
#. Log into your Pi via SSH (it is located at ``fullpageos.local`` `if your computer supports bonjour `_ or the IP address assigned by your router), default username is "pi", default password is "raspberry", change the password using the ``passwd`` command and expand the filesystem of the SD card through the corresponding option when running ``sudo raspi-config``.
* Raspberrypi 2 and newser or device running Armbian, Older Rasperry Pis are not currently supported. See `Raspberry Pi `_ and `Raspberry Pi `_.
* 2A power supply
* Loads Chromium at boot in full screen
* Webpage can be changed from /boot/fullpageos.txt
* Default app is `FullPageDashboard `_, which lets you add multiple tabs changes that switch automatically.
* Ships with preconfigured `X11VNC `_, for remote connection (password 'raspberry')
#. `qemu-arm-static `_
#. Downloaded `Raspbian `_ image.
#. root privileges for chroot
#. Bash
#. realpath
#. sudo (the script itself calls it, running as root without sudo won't work)
Build FullPageOS From within FullPageOS / Raspbian / Debian / Ubuntu
FullPageOS can be built from Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian, or even FullPageOS.
Build requires about 2.5 GB of free space available.
You can build it by issuing the following commands::
sudo apt-get install realpath qemu-user-static
git clone https://github.com/guysoft/FullPageOS.git
cd FullPageOS/src/image
curl -J -O -L http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_latest
cd ..
sudo modprobe loop
sudo bash -x ./build
Building FullPageOS Variants
FullPageOS supports building variants, which are builds with changes from the main release build. An example and other variants are available in the folder ``src/variants/example``.
To build a variant use::
sudo bash -x ./build [Variant]
Building Using Vagrant
There is a vagrant machine configuration to let build FullPageOS in case your build environment behaves differently. Unless you do extra configuration, vagrant must run as root to have nfs folder sync working.
To use it::
sudo apt-get install vagrant nfs-kernel-server
sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-nfs_guest
sudo modprobe nfs
cd FullPageOS/src/vagrant
sudo vagrant up
After provisioning the machine, its also possible to run a nightly build which updates from devel using::
cd FullPageOS/src/vagrant
#. If needed, override existing config settings by creating a new file ``src/config.local``. You can override all settings found in ``src/config``. If you need to override the path to the Raspbian image to use for building OctoPi, override the path to be used in ``ZIP_IMG``. By default, the most recent file matching ``*-raspbian.zip`` found in ``src/image`` will be used.
#. Run ``src/build`` as root.
#. The final image will be created in ``src/workspace``
Code contribution would be appreciated!