BGTaskSchedulerPermittedIdentifiers fr.plugn.fmobile.heavycheck fr.plugn.fmobile.iticheck CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations CFBundleDevelopmentRegion fr CFBundleDisplayName FMobile 5 CFBundleExecutable $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) CFBundleIcons CFBundleAlternateIcons myradin-40 CFBundleIconFiles myradin-40 CFBundlePrimaryIcon CFBundleIconFiles UIPrerenderedIcon CFBundleIcons~ipad CFBundleAlternateIcons myradin-40 CFBundleIconFiles myradin-40 CFBundlePrimaryIcon CFBundleIconFiles UIPrerenderedIcon CFBundleIdentifier $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion 6.0 CFBundleLocalizations fr sr nl es en CFBundleName $(PRODUCT_NAME) CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleShortVersionString $(MARKETING_VERSION) CFBundleURLTypes CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleURLName fr.plugn.fmobile CFBundleURLSchemes fmobile CFBundleVersion $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION) LSApplicationQueriesSchemes fmobile LSRequiresIPhoneOS MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads NSExceptionMinimumTLSVersion TLSv1.0 NSExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy NSIncludesSubdomains NSRequiresCertificateTransparency NSThirdPartyExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads NSThirdPartyExceptionMinimumTLSVersion TLSv1.0 NSThirdPartyExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription You must allow background location using \"Always\" in order to take advantage of this application. These data allow to check if you are localized in a non-covered zone, or covered by a Femto or ran-sharing antenna (read or save these coordinates for future verifications). They also allow to stop the app when you travel aboard. These data stay local but are mendatory for the good functionning of the app. This may have a negative impact on your phone's battery life. NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription You must allow background location using \"Always\" in order to take advantage of this application. These data allow to check if you are localized in a non-covered zone, or covered by a Femto or ran-sharing antenna (read or save these coordinates for future verifications). They also allow to stop the app when you travel abroad. These data stay local but are mendatory for the good functionning of the app. This may have a negative impact on your phone's battery life. NSLocationUsageDescription You must allow background location using \"Always\" in order to take advantage of this application. These data allow to check if you are localized in a non-covered zone, or covered by a Femto or ran-sharing antenna (read or save these coordinates for future verifications). They also allow to stop the app when you travel aboard. These data stay local but are mendatory for the good functionning of the app. This may have a negative impact on your phone's battery life. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription You must allow background location using \"Always\" in order to take advantage of this application. These data allow to check if you are localized in a non-covered zone, or covered by a Femto or ran-sharing antenna (read or save these coordinates for future verifications). They also allow to stop the app when you travel aboard. These data stay local but are mendatory for the good functionning of the app. This may have a negative impact on your phone's battery life. NSUserActivityTypes CarrierIntent FlightModeIntent GetCurrentCarrierIntent GetCurrentMCCIntent GetCurrentMNCIntent GetCurrentSIMCarrierIntent GetCurrentSIMMCCIntent GetCurrentSIMMNCIntent GetESIMCarrierIntent GetESIMConnectedCarrierIntent GetESIMConnectedMCCIntent GetESIMConnectedMNCIntent GetESIMMCCIntent GetESIMMNCIntent GetSIMConnectedCarrierIntent GetSIMConnectedMCCIntent GetSIMConnectedMNCIntent GetSimCarrierIntent GetSimMCCIntent GetSimMNCIntent IllegalRoamingIntent IsNetworkConnectedIntent IsWifiConnectedIntent ShutBluetoothIntent ShutWifiIntent UIBackgroundModes fetch location processing UILaunchStoryboardName LaunchScreen UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities gps armv7 UIStatusBarStyle UIStatusBarStyleLightContent UISupportedInterfaceOrientations UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance