function metTable = UNM_parse_SNOTEL_data( sitecode, year ) % Parse ancillary SNOTEL data files to matlab table. % % We currently have daily SNOTEL met data from 3 sites in the Valles. % % For each year YYYY data are located in % $FLUXROOT/AncillaryData/MetData/DayMet_SITECODE.csv % Updated data can be obtained by downloading the multiple % point data download script (see daymet subdirectory), editing the % latlon.txt file to include our site coordinates, and runing the % 'daymet_multiple_extraction' script or .jar file. % % Updates to that script or the data can be found at: % % % This script issues an error if these files are not found. See README in % the target folder for instructions on downloading/formatting this data % % USAGE % met_data = UNM_parse_SNOTEL_data( sitecode, year ); % % INPUTS % sitecode: numeric; SNOTEL site identifier % year: numeric; the year to parse % % OUTPUTS: % metData_ds: dataset array; the met data % % SEE ALSO % dataset % % author: Gregory E. Maurer, UNM, December 2014 %sitecode = str(sitecode); fname = fullfile( getenv( 'FLUXROOT' ), 'Ancillary_met_data', ... 'SNOTEL_daily', sprintf( '%d_STAND_YEAR=%d.csv',... sitecode, year )); % Get data metTable = readtable( fname, 'Delimiter', ',', 'HeaderLines', 2 ); % clunky way to rename bizarre headers headers = metTable.Properties.VariableNames; metTable.Properties.VariableNames{ find( ... strncmp( 'WTEQ', headers, 4 ))} = 'WTEQ'; metTable.Properties.VariableNames{ find( ... strncmp( 'PREC', headers, 4 ))} = 'PREC_CUM'; metTable.Properties.VariableNames{ find( ... strncmp( 'TOBS', headers, 4 ))} = 'TOBS'; metTable.Properties.VariableNames{ find( ... strncmp( 'SNWD', headers, 4 ))} = 'SNWD'; % Convert cumulative precip to hourly increments in mm p_diff = [ 0; diff( metTable.PREC_CUM )] * 25.4; % Remove negative increments p_diff( p_diff < 0 ) = 0; metTable.Precip = p_diff; % Parse out year % metTable = metTable( met_data_T.year == year, : ); % Add a timestamp metTable.timestamp = datenum( metTable.Date, 'yyyy-mm-dd' );