Display nostr events as Gource visualisation.
Objectif: Display nostr events for the last hour/24hour: - general : show a general map or relays classify by GOURCELOG: -> TLD -> Relayname -> Relay.relays |> NIPS -> Suppored nip.nipnumber - per pubkey: for a specified pubkey, this would show all events published by a specific pubkey. classify by: GOURCELOG: -> nostr.key/nip05 -> Event type > Relay.com - per relay: for a specified relay, this would classify events by type. It would be nice to have a folder for paid invoices.
- encrypted message map
even tho messages are encrypted, some data is still public.
in the making of this project, i found intresting that i can
possibly use gource to visualise this public data.
Méthodologie: Using gource isnt hard, making custom log can be painfull but i think, because we have the proper tools (nostcat), it wont be too hard.