Sometimes when I execute a cell this error appears, I must restart the execution environment to eliminate the error.
NotImplementedError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 get_ipython().system('pip install ffmpeg-python')
2 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/google/colab/ in _run_command(cmd, clear_streamed_output)
161 locale_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
162 if locale_encoding != _ENCODING:
--> 163 raise NotImplementedError(
164 'A UTF-8 locale is required. Got {}'.format(locale_encoding))
NotImplementedError: A UTF-8 locale is required. Got ANSI_X3.4-1968
metrizable commentedon Feb 15, 2023
@loboere Thanks for reporting the issue and thanks for using Colab. Can you provide a minimal reproducible notebook?
mlp2501 commentedon Feb 26, 2023
I got the same error .... any solution to this yet?
dracifer commentedon Feb 26, 2023
the commands triggered this error for me
karray commentedon Feb 27, 2023
I faced the same exception in pyannote.
I solved it by overriding
:Here is a notebook with the workaround.
Update: While many people have found this workaround helpful, it is important to note that it should be regarded as a temporary solution and not considered a permanent fix.
wahid028 commentedon Mar 2, 2023
@karray this solution works for me. Thanks a lot
cperry-goog commentedon Mar 2, 2023
Dannynis commentedon Mar 10, 2023
I also get this error randomly, If i have to guess its after alot of outputs that been written to the output screen
victormurcia commentedon Mar 16, 2023
@karray this worked for me as well! Thanks!
karray commentedon Mar 16, 2023
In my opinion, this issue shouldn't be closed yet. While the workaround offered may serve as a temporary solution, it doesn't actually address the underlying problem.
TheWizier commentedon May 9, 2023
I agree with @karray This is not fixed and should be reopened. Encountered it just now myself.
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