Hi all!
Here's an example of a simple Protocol
being used to detect that we're passing a function with the wrong arguments:
from typing import Protocol
class FuncTemplate(Protocol):
def __call__(self, x: str): pass
def run_func(func: FuncTemplate):
return func(x='1.0')
def func():
As expected, this gives an error:
File "", line 12, in <module>: Function run_func was called with the wrong arguments [wrong-arg-types]
Expected: (func: FuncTemplate)
Actually passed: (func: Callable[[], Any])
But if we make the Protocol
class FuncTemplate(Protocol):
def __call__(self, *, x: str): pass
Then the Protocol
seems to be ignored:
Success: no errors found
It also seems to be ignored when there's a positional arg in additional to a kwarg-only arg:
class FuncTemplate(Protocol):
def __call__(self, y: int, *, x: str): pass
def run_func(func: FuncTemplate):
return func(y=1, x='1.0')
Any idea what might be going on here? Is this a bug, or is there some subtlety about how kwarg-only functions work?