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Toolkit for installing and creating an initial Oracle database on Bare Metal Solution.

Quick Start

  1. Create a Google Cloud VM to act as a control node; it should be on a VPC network that has SSH access to the database hosts.
  2. Extract the toolkit code on the control node.
  3. Create a Cloud Storage bucket to host Oracle software images.
    gsutil mb -b on gs://installation-media-1234
  4. Download software from Oracle and populate the bucket. Use to determine which files are required for your Oracle version.
  5. Create an SSH key, and populate to an Ansible user on each database host.
  6. Create a JSON file db1_asm.json with ASM disk devices:
        "diskgroup": "DATA",
        "disks": [
            "name": "DATA_1",
            "blk_device": "/dev/mapper/3600a098038314352502b4f782f446155"
        "diskgroup": "RECO",
        "disks": [
            "name": "RECO_1",
            "blk_device": "/dev/mapper/3600a098038314352502b4f782f446162"
  7. Create a JSON file db1_mounts.json with disk mounts:
        "purpose": "software",
        "blk_device": "/dev/mapper/3600a098038314352502b4f782f446161",
        "name": "u01",
        "fstype": "xfs",
        "mount_point": "/u01",
        "mount_opts": "nofail"
  8. Execute
    bash \
    --ora-swlib-bucket gs://installation-media-1234 \
    --instance-ssh-user ansible \
    --instance-ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa \
    --backup-dest /u01/rman \
    --ora-swlib-path /u01/oracle_install \
    --ora-version 19 \
    --ora-swlib-type gcs \
    --ora-asm-disks db1_asm.json \
    --ora-data-mounts db1_mounts.json \
    --ora-data-diskgroup DATA \
    --ora-reco-diskgroup RECO \
    --ora-db-name orcl \

Full documentation is available in the user guide

Destructive cleanup

An Ansible role and playbook performs a destructive brute-force removal of Oracle software and configuration. It does not remove other host prerequisites.

Run the destructive brute-force Oracle software removal with or ansible-playbook brute-cleanup.yml

Contributing to the project

Contributions and pull requests are welcome. See docs/ and docs/ for details.

The fine print

This product is licensed under the Apache 2 license. This is not an officially supported Google project