This is a university project for Advanced Databases. We use PySpark (RDD structure) to create different pipelines that read from PostgreSQL DB and CSV files to create a Decision Tree Classifier.
- pyspark
- pyspark.mllib Machine Learning Library (MLlib) For machine learning models
- Main file from which you can acces to the pipelines. No parameter is needed to execute it.
- Imported in every other file. It contains the auxiliary functions we have created and all 'import's necessary.
- Management pipeline. Execute and later select option 'management'.
- Analysis pipeline. Execute and later select option 'management'.
- Runtime pipeline. Execute and later select option 'management'.
- See the sketches in the Assumptions.pdf file
- General Pipeline Assumptions:
- User is connected (or knows how) to the FIB PostgreSQL.
- Sensor data is in csv file with name in format date-airport-airport-4digits-aircraft.csv
example: 010615-FUE-TXL-3573-XY-YCV
- Management Pipeline Assumptions:
- All sensor data is located in the './resources/trainingData/' path.
- Analysis Pipeline Assumptions:
- You have succesfully executed Management Pipeline.
- There is one and only one csv file for each aircraft-date pair.
- (impurity='gini', maxDepth=5, maxBins=32) are good hyperparameters for the Decision Tree.
- Runtime Pipeline Assumptions:
- It is assumed that you have succesfully executed Analysis Pipeline.
- Miquel Palet López
- Gonzalo Córdova Pou