Appshark is a static taint analysis platform to scan vulnerabilities in an Android app.
Appshark requires a specific version of JDK -- JDK 11. After testing, it does not work on other LTS versions, JDK 8 and JDK 16, due to the dependency compatibility issue.
We assume that you are working in the root directory of the project repo. You can build the whole project with the gradle tool.
$ ./gradlew build -x test
After executing the above command, you will see an artifact file AppShark-0.1-all.jar
in the directory build/libs
Like the previous step, we assume that you are still in the root folder of the project. You can run the tool with
$ java -jar build/libs/AppShark-0.1-all.jar config/config.json5
The config.json5
has the following configuration contents.
"apkPath": "/Users/apks/app1.apk",
"out": "out",
"rules": "unZipSlip.json",
"maxPointerAnalyzeTime": 600
Each JSON field is explained below.
- apkPath: the path of the apk file to analyze
- out: the path of the output directory
- rules: the path(s) of the rule file(s), can be more than 1 rules
- maxPointerAnalyzeTime: the timeout duration in seconds set for the analysis started from an entry point
- debugRule: specify the rule name that enables logging for debugging
If you provide a configuration JSON file which sets the output path as out
in the project root directory, you will
find the result file out/results.json
after running the analysis.
Below is an example of the results.json
"AppInfo": {
"AppName": "test",
"PackageName": "",
"min_sdk": 17,
"target_sdk": 28,
"versionCode": 1000,
"versionName": "1.0.0"
"SecurityInfo": {
"FileRisk": {
"unZipSlip": {
"category": "FileRisk",
"detail": "",
"model": "2",
"name": "unZipSlip",
"possibility": "4",
"vulners": [
"details": {
"position": "< void UnZipFolderFix1(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>",
"Sink": "< void UnZipFolderFix1(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r31",
"entryMethod": "< void f()>",
"Source": "< void UnZipFolderFix1(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r3",
"url": "/Volumes/dev/zijie/appshark-opensource/out/vuln/1-unZipSlip.html",
"target": [
"< void UnZipFolderFix1(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r3",
"pf{obj{< void UnZipFolderFix1(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>:35=>java.lang.StringBuilder}(unknown)->@data}",
"< void UnZipFolderFix1(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r11",
"< void UnZipFolderFix1(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r31"
"hash": "ec57a2a3190677ffe78a0c8aaf58ba5aee4d2247",
"possibility": "4"
"details": {
"position": "< void UnZipFolder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>",
"Sink": "< void UnZipFolder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r34",
"entryMethod": "< void f()>",
"Source": "< void UnZipFolder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r3",
"url": "/Volumes/dev/zijie/appshark-opensource/out/vuln/2-unZipSlip.html",
"target": [
"< void UnZipFolder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r3",
"pf{obj{< void UnZipFolder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>:33=>java.lang.StringBuilder}(unknown)->@data}",
"< void UnZipFolder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r14",
"< void UnZipFolder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>->$r34"
"hash": "26c6d6ee704c59949cfef78350a1d9aef04c29ad",
"possibility": "4"
"wiki": "",
"deobfApk": "/Volumes/dev/zijie/appshark-opensource/app.apk"
"DeepLinkInfo": {
"JsBridgeInfo": [
"BasicInfo": {
"ComponentsInfo": {
"JSNativeInterface": [
"UsePermissions": [
"DefinePermissions": {
"Profile": "/Volumes/dev/zijie/appshark-opensource/out/vuln/3-profiler.json"
AppShark is licensed under the APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0