How to upgrade
After upgrading the client to the latest version make sure to upgrade the operator as well by running. This will install the latest CRDs into the cluster:
glasskube bootstrap
0.0.3 (2024-02-27)
- add current context in uninstall (#273) (470e01e)
- add foreground propagation for uninstall cmd (54be740)
- add shortName and extra cols to crds (ab439c9)
- add version command (#265) (c4d1bc5)
- added a feature to detect outdated client for cli (#210) (5e6f1a7)
- added Uninstall Blocking, Progress Spinner and enhanced CLI UI for Uninstall Command hash168 (f044a32)
- api: add LocalPort, Scheme to PackageEntrypoint (73fd8fa)
- cli: add confim dialog in install cmd (47af3f1)
- cli: add handling of LocalPort, Scheme in Open cmd (8557f12)
- cli: add installing specific package version (#203) (23b2943)
- cli: add outdated flag for list cmd (#201) (8d93c61)
- cli: add showing package version in list cmd (#200) (fe856bc)
- cli: add update cmd (#202) (ddfe2cf)
- cli: automatic bootstrap in CLI commands (#196) (5d86eb1)
- cli: change update message to be less obtrusive (0b2dfd2)
- cli: glasskube describe (#241) (55bebd6)
- include current context in install (5d3d390)
- package-operator: add blockOwnerDeletion on OwnerReferences (5ec721b)
- package-operator: add version aware package updates (8c56780)
- package-operator: add version aware packageinfo updates (b6ebf5b)
- ui: add current context in navbar (#263) (067793c)
- ui: add infinite progress bar (8d9b291)
- ui: add package detail page #172 (1298292)
- ui: add selecting kubeconfig (#140) (620f5d5)
- ui: bootstrap via UI #123 (c8c0576)
- ui: install package in specific version (#269) (5d6067b)
- ui: update all packages #289 (cdce20f)
- ui: update packages and push cluster events to UI (#269) (d81d1bb)
- website: add blogpost about kubernetes frontends (f5c16e3)
Bug Fixes
- action: build package-operator image for amd64, arm64 (38e1cc5)
- add path escaping repository urls (8bffd3b)
- change opener to use real PackageInfo name (879e647)
- deps: update dependency @mdx-js/react to v3.0.1 (a74e4b9)
- deps: update dependency asciinema-player to v3.6.4 (a1e8e69)
- deps: update dependency asciinema-player to v3.7.0 (7093e80)
- deps: update kubernetes packages to v0.29.2 (5db9fcb)
- deps: update module github.com/schollz/progressbar/v3 to v3.14.2 (1d20832)
- deps: update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.17.2 (8a6dd83)
- made the necessary changes and code cleanup (d184784)
- package manifest: supported svg files and change the schema accordingly (070a7e2)
- package-operator: set pending status when package is being deleted (718aadc)
- packagemanifest: updated img element and schema (b0925db)
- ui: reload content when pages are restored from history (9c282ce)
- ui: support page error when no context given (62faa9b)
- ui: use real PackageInfo name when getting installed manifest (13f9e60)
- add generating schema files for repo types (c05e5ce)
- change schema to not use $ref and move to website (d42fcb1)
- cleanup uninstaller creation (cca98c6)
- deps: update go.sum file (be90842)
- make renovate run "go mod tidy" (88e93aa)
- remove path escape workaround (424086f)
- solved errors for install (b947042)
- update controller-tools to v0.14.0 (e9573e6)
- add docs for outdated flag for list cmd (#201) (e96c769)
- add flags to install cmd docs (ad294e4)
- add package reconciliation diagram (28e9266)
- add update cmd docs (c5ccf94)
- webiste: add release video to v0.0.2 blog post (2a2a7a9)
- website: adapt roadmap and README (346a18f)
- website: add missing descriptions to blog posts (53a4efc)
- website: add v0.0.2 release blogpost (471e26a)
- website: fix typo in footer (aaafe03)
- website: fix typos (3e7236a)
- website: improve comparision documentation (0bbc986)
- website: make newsletter subscription email required (0b80421)