Hi, I installed this script and it failed to work as expected, i am including the error from my firebot log below
19:11:03 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) - error: [v5.53.2] Error while running script 'queue.js' { message: "Cannot read property 'userCommand' of undefined", stack: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'userCommand' of undefined\n" + ' at (C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Roaming\\Firebot\\v5\\profiles\\Main Profile\\scripts\\queue.js:1:17629)\n' + ' at executeScript (C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\firebotv5\\app-5.53.2\\resources\\app.asar\\backend\\common\\handlers\\custom-scripts\\custom-script-runner.js:87:69)\n' + ' at runStartUpScript (C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\firebotv5\\app-5.53.2\\resources\\app.asar\\backend\\common\\handlers\\custom-scripts\\custom-script-runner.js:173:15)\n' + ' at Object.runStartupScripts (C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\firebotv5\\app-5.53.2\\resources\\app.asar\\backend\\common\\handlers\\custom-scripts\\startup-scripts-manager.js:106:15)\n' + ' at Object.<anonymous> (C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\firebotv5\\app-5.53.2\\resources\\app.asar\\backend\\app-management\\electron\\window-management.js:220:31)\n' + ' at Object.emit (events.js:327:22)' }
giff-h commentedon Aug 23, 2022
Hi I just now saw this, it's been kind of left alone because of no new needed features, I'll try to dust off the code locally and see if I can reproduce. I've been a bit burned out on personal projects though, I'll try my best to get to it.