The task is to check out PDAL/PDAL@a2a08f0 behavior;
Ref: PDAL/PDAL#2959
- Build a Docker container with the PDAL version from the branch
- as a point to start we can use pdal-jni Dockerfile
Run benchmarks and / or check for visual correctness- The step above may require building new PDAL JNI bindings (opt)
echeipesh commentedon Mar 19, 2020
Outcome: Test the PDAL created no-cull option to see the effect on degenerate case.
jpolchlo commentedon Apr 1, 2020
This test is pending on two events: (1) locating a test example with a gap, and possibly (2) adding a parameter to ReaderEpt (in a branch) to access the no-cull option. The second can be eliminated in favor of providing a text pipeline.
Once a gap is found, we would need to find an extent that crosses into the gap but does not cover it. That is, find an extent that interacts with the gap like so:
The resulting triangulation won't fill in the gap values without the no-cull option.
There is an alternative suggested to the no-cull option, which is to manually build a sample via multiple readers. The first reader will grab the requested region at full resolution, the last reader will grab the entire 0-0-0-0 node by requesting the full EPT extent at very large resolution. Any number of intermediate reads can be performed with extent sizes/cell sizes between the top- and bottom-level queries.
In any event, these nested reads can be benchmarked without finding a data void, but the performance penalty can only be assessed for merit once a problematic region is located.
jpolchlo commentedon Apr 1, 2020
A Dockerfile to provide the branch of PDAL: