#!/bin/bash echo "[Pre-Requirement] Makesure install JDK 6.0+ and set the JAVA_HOME." echo "[Pre-Requirement] Makesure install Maven 3.0.3+ and set the PATH." set MAVEN_OPTS=$MAVEN_OPTS -XX:MaxPermSize=128m echo "[Step 1] Install all springside modules and archetype to local maven repository." cd modules mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true cd ../support/maven-archetype mvn clean install cd ../../ echo "[Step 2] Generate Eclipse project files for all projects." mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse echo "[Step 3] Initialize schema and data for all example projects." cd examples mvn antrun:run -Prefresh-db cd .. echo "[Step 4] Start all example projects." cd examples/quickstart mvn clean jetty:run & cd ../showcase mvn clean jetty:run -Djetty.port=8081 & echo "[INFO] Please wait a moment then access below demo sites:" echo "[INFO] http://localhost:8080/quickstart" echo "[INFO] http://localhost:8081/showcase"