#! /usr/bin/env python3
TabXLSX reads and writes Excel xlsx files. It does not depend on other libraries.
The output can be piped as a markdown table or csv-like data as well. A number
of output format options are available but less than the tabtotext.py module.
If the input contains only one table then it is used, otherwise specify which should be printed."""
__copyright__ = "(C) 2023-2025 Guido Draheim, licensed under the Apache License 2.0"""
__version__ = "1.6.4023"
from typing import Union, List, Dict, cast, Tuple, Optional, TextIO, Iterable, NamedTuple, Mapping, TypeVar, Generic, Iterator
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date as Date
from datetime import datetime as Time
from datetime import timedelta as Plus
from datetime import timezone as TimeZone
from io import StringIO, TextIOWrapper
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import os.path as fs
import os
import re
import sys
# The functions in this script mimic those of openpyxl - we only implement what we need for tabtoxlsx
# (actually, we make an export with openpyxl and then we adapt the code here to generate the same bytes)
# from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
# from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
# from openpyxl.styles.cell_style import CellStyle as Style
# from openpyxl.styles.alignment import Alignment
# from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
# (have a look at 'make_workbook' for the generation part)
from logging import getLogger, basicConfig, ERROR
logg = getLogger("TABXLSX")
SECTION = "data"
DATEFMT = "%Y-%m-%d"
TIMEFMT = "%Y-%m-%d.%H%M"
FLOATFMT = "%4.2f"
MAXCOL = 1000
MAXROWS = 100000
NIX = ""
def get_column_letter(num: int) -> str:
return chr(ord('A') + (num - 1))
class Alignment:
horizontal: str
def __init__(self, *, horizontal: str = NIX) -> None:
self.horizontal = horizontal
class CellStyle:
alignment: Alignment
number_format: str
protection: str
def __init__(self, *, number_format: str = NIX, protection: str = NIX) -> None:
self.alignment = Alignment()
self.number_format = number_format
self.protection = protection
CellValue = Union[None, bool, int, float, str, Time, Date]
class Cell:
value: CellValue
data_type: str
alignment: Optional[Alignment]
number_format: Optional[str]
protection: Optional[str]
_xf: int
_numFmt: int
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.value = None
self.data_type = NIX
self.alignment = None
self.number_format = None
self.protection = None
self._xf = 0
self._numFmt = 0
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.value)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self.value)
class Dimension:
width: int
def __init__(self, *, width: int = 8) -> None:
self.width = width
class DimensionsHolder:
columns: Dict[str, Dimension]
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.columns = {}
def __getitem__(self, column: str) -> Dimension:
if column not in self.columns:
self.columns[column] = Dimension()
return self.columns[column]
class Worksheet:
rows: List[Dict[str, Cell]]
title: str
column_dimensions: DimensionsHolder
_mindim: str
_maxdim: str
def __init__(self, title: str = NIX) -> None:
self.title = title
self.rows = []
self.column_dimensions = DimensionsHolder()
def cell(self, row: int, column: int) -> Cell:
atrow = row - 1
name = get_column_letter(column) + str(row)
while atrow >= len(self.rows):
if name not in self.rows[atrow]:
self.rows[atrow][name] = Cell()
return self.rows[atrow][name]
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Cell:
m = re.match("([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)", name)
if not m:
logg.error("can not check %s", name)
raise ValueError(name)
atrow = int(m.group(2)) - 1
while atrow >= len(self.rows):
if name not in self.rows[atrow]:
self.rows[atrow][name] = Cell()
return self.rows[atrow][name]
class Workbook:
_sheets: List[Worksheet]
_active_sheet_index: int
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._sheets = [Worksheet()]
self._active_sheet_index = 0
def worksheets(self) -> List[Worksheet]:
return self._sheets
def active(self) -> Worksheet:
return self._sheets[self._active_sheet_index]
def save(self, filename: str) -> None:
save_workbook(filename, self)
def create_sheet(self) -> Worksheet: # pragma: no cover
ws = Worksheet()
self._active_sheet_index = len(self._sheets)
return ws
def get_sheet_names(self) -> List[str]: # pragma: no cover
names: List[str] = []
for ws in self._sheets:
names += [ws.title]
return names
def get_sheet_by_name(self, name: str) -> Worksheet: # pragma: no cover
for ws in self._sheets:
if name == ws.title:
return ws
raise KeyError("Worksheet does not exist")
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Worksheet: # pragma: no cover
return self.get_sheet_by_name(key)
def sheetnames(self) -> List[str]: # pragma: no cover
return self.get_sheet_names()
def save_workbook(filename: str, workbook: Workbook) -> None:
xmlns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"
xmlns_r = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"
xmlns_p = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"
xmlns_w = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet"
xmlns_s = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles"
xmlns_t = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme"
xmlns_c = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types"
NUMFMT = 164
numFmts: List[str] = ["yyyy-mm-dd h:mm:ss"]
for sheet in workbook.worksheets:
sheet._mindim = ""
sheet._maxdim = ""
for row in sheet.rows:
for cellname, cell in row.items():
if not sheet._mindim:
sheet._mindim = cellname
sheet._maxdim = cellname
if cellname < sheet._mindim:
sheet._mindim = cellname
if cellname > sheet._maxdim:
sheet._maxdim = cellname
if cell.number_format:
if cell.number_format in ["General"]:
if cell.number_format not in numFmts:
cell._numFmt = NUMFMT + numFmts.index(cell.number_format)
cellXfs: List[str] = []
for sheet in workbook.worksheets:
for row in sheet.rows:
for cell in row.values():
numFmtId = cell._numFmt
applyAlignment = 0
xml_alignment = ""
if cell.alignment and cell.alignment.horizontal:
applyAlignment = 1
horizontal = cell.alignment.horizontal
xml_alignment = F''
xml_xf = F''
xml_xf += xml_alignment
xml_xf += F''
if xml_xf not in cellXfs:
cell._xf = cellXfs.index(xml_xf) + 1
style_xml = F''
style_xml += F''
for num, fmtCode in enumerate(numFmts):
numFmtId = NUMFMT + num
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
# style_xml += f''
style_xml += f''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
for xf in cellXfs:
style_xml += xf
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
style_xml += F''
workbook_xml = F''
workbook_xml += F''
workbook_xml += F''
# workbook_xml += F''
workbook_xml += F''
workbook_xml += F''
worksheets: List[str] = []
for sheet in workbook.worksheets:
wxml = F''
wxml += ''
wxml += F''
wxml += ''
wxml += ''
if sheet.column_dimensions.columns:
wxml += F''
for nam, col in sheet.column_dimensions.columns.items():
wxml += F''
wxml += F''
wxml += F''
for num, row in enumerate(sheet.rows):
if not row: continue # empty
wxml += F''
for r, cell in row.items():
if cell.value is None:
elif isinstance(cell.value, str):
if cell.data_type in ["", "f"] and cell.value.startswith("="):
s = cell._xf
f = cell.value[1:]
wxml += F''
wxml += F'{f}'
wxml += F''
s = cell._xf
t = "inlineStr"
wxml += F''
wxml += F'{cell.value}'
wxml += F''
value: Union[int, float]
t = "n"
if isinstance(cell.value, bool):
value = 1 if cell.value else 0
t = 'b'
elif isinstance(cell.value, Time):
value = cell.value.toordinal() - 693594.
seconds = cell.value.hour * 3600 + cell.value.minute * 60 + cell.value.second
value += seconds / 86400.
elif isinstance(cell.value, Date):
value = cell.value.toordinal() - 693594.
value = cell.value
s = cell._xf
# wxml += F''
wxml += F''
wxml += F'{value}'
wxml += F''
wxml += F'
wxml += F''
wxml += F''
wxml += F''
workbook_xml += F''
workbook_xml += F''
workbook_xml += F''
workbook_xml += F''
theme_xml = F'' + "\n"
theme_xml = F''
theme_xml = F''
with ZipFile(filename, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipfile:
worksheetfilelist = []
rels_xml = F''
for num, xml in enumerate(worksheets):
worksheetfile = F'worksheets/sheet{num+1}.xml'
worksheet_Id = F'rId{num+1}'
rels_xml += F''
with zipfile.open("xl/" + worksheetfile, "w") as xmlfile:
worksheetfilelist += [worksheetfile]
stylefile = F"styles.xml"
style_Id = F'rId{len(worksheets)+1}'
rels_xml += F''
with zipfile.open("xl/" + stylefile, "w") as xmlfile:
themefile = F"theme/theme1.xml"
theme_Id = F'rId{len(worksheets)+2}'
rels_xml += F''
with zipfile.open("xl/" + themefile, "w") as xmlfile:
rels_xml += F''
workbookfile = "workbook.xml"
with zipfile.open("xl/" + workbookfile, "w") as xmlfile:
relsfile = "_rels/workbook.xml.rels"
with zipfile.open("xl/" + relsfile, "w") as xmlfile:
apps_xml = F'Microsoft Excel3.0'
appsfile = "docProps/app.xml"
core_xml = F'openpyxl2024-07-09T21:58:37Z2024-07-09T21:58:37Z'
corefile = "docProps/core.xml"
with zipfile.open(appsfile, "w") as xmlfile:
with zipfile.open(corefile, "w") as xmlfile:
init_xml = F''
init_xml += F''
init_xml += F''
init_xml += F''
init_xml += F''
initfile = "_rels/.rels"
with zipfile.open(initfile, "w") as xmlfile:
content_xml = F''
content_xml += ''
content_xml += ''
content_xml += ''
content_xml += ''
content_xml += ''
content_xml += ''
# content_xml += ''
for worksheetfile in worksheetfilelist:
content_xml += F''
content_xml += ''
content_xml += ''
contentfile = "[Content_Types].xml"
with zipfile.open(contentfile, "w") as xmlfile:
_dateformats = ['d.mm.yy', 'yyyy-mm-dd']
_timeformats = ['yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm', 'yyyy-mm-dd h:mm:ss']
def load_workbook(filename: str) -> Workbook:
workbook = Workbook()
ws = workbook.active
with ZipFile(filename) as zipfile:
sharedStrings: List[str] = []
with zipfile.open("xl/sharedStrings.xml") as xmlfile:
xml = ET.parse(xmlfile)
for item in xml.getroot():
if ("}" + item.tag).endswith("}si"):
text = ""
for block in item:
if ("}" + block.tag).endswith("}t"):
text += block.text or ""
sharedStrings += [text]
except KeyError as e:
logg.debug("do not use sharedStrings.xml: %s", e)
formatcodes: Dict[str, str] = {}
numberformat: Dict[str, str] = {}
with zipfile.open("xl/styles.xml") as xmlfile:
xml = ET.parse(xmlfile)
for item in xml.getroot():
if ("}" + item.tag).endswith("numFmts"):
for fmt in item:
numFmtId = fmt.get("numFmtId", "?")
formatcode = fmt.get("formatCode", "?")
logg.debug("numFmtId %s formatCode %s", numFmtId, formatcode)
formatcodes[numFmtId] = formatcode
if ("}" + item.tag).endswith("cellXfs"):
style = 0
for xfs in item:
numFmtId = xfs.get("numFmtId", "?")
logg.debug("numFmtId %s", numFmtId)
if numFmtId in formatcodes:
numberformat[str(style)] = formatcodes[numFmtId]
style += 1
sheetnames: Dict[str, str] = {}
with zipfile.open("xl/workbook.xml") as xmlfile:
xml = ET.parse(xmlfile)
for item in xml.getroot():
if ("}" + item.tag).endswith("}sheets"):
for sheet in item:
sheetname = sheet.get("name", "")
sheetId = sheet.get("sheetId", "")
if sheetId and sheetname:
sheetnames[sheetId] = sheetname
namelist = zipfile.namelist()
for sheetnumber in range(1, 99):
sheetId = str(sheetnumber)
sheetfilename = F"xl/worksheets/sheet{sheetId}.xml"
if sheetnumber > 1:
if sheetfilename not in namelist:
ws = Worksheet()
if sheetId in sheetnames:
ws.title = sheetnames[sheetId]
with zipfile.open(sheetfilename) as xmlfile:
logg.debug("load %s:%s", filename, sheetfilename)
xml = ET.parse(xmlfile)
for item in xml.getroot():
if ("}" + item.tag).endswith("}sheetData"):
for rowdata in item:
row = int(rowdata.get("row", "0"))
for cell in rowdata:
value: CellValue = None
t = cell.get("t", "n")
s = cell.get("s", "0")
r = cell.get("r")
v = ""
x = ""
for data in cell:
if ("}" + data.tag).endswith("}v"):
v = data.text or ""
elif ("}" + data.tag).endswith("}is"):
for block in data:
x += block.text or ""
elif ("}" + data.tag).endswith("}f"):
x = "=" + (data.text or "")
t = "f"
logg.debug("r = %s | s = %s | t =%s | v = %s| x = %s", r, s, t, v, x)
if t in ["b"]:
value = True if v == "1" else False
elif t in ["f", "inlineStr", ]:
value = x
elif t in ["s"]:
value = sharedStrings[int(v)]
# elif v in [""]:
# value = ""
if "." not in v:
value = int(v)
value1 = float(value)
value1 = float(v)
value = value1
if s in numberformat:
numfmt = numberformat[s]
logg.debug("value %s numberformat %s", value, numfmt)
if numfmt in _timeformats:
value0 = int(value1)
value2 = Time.fromordinal(value0 + 693594)
value3 = int(((value1 - value0) * 86400) + 0.4)
value = value2 + Plus(seconds=value3)
t = "d"
elif numfmt in _dateformats:
value0 = int(value1)
value2 = Time.fromordinal(value0 + 693594)
value = value2.date()
t = "d"
logg.debug("%s no datetime format", s)
logg.debug("%s has no numbeformt", s)
if r:
ws[r].value = value
ws[r].data_type = t
return workbook
# .....................................................................
# Files can contain multiple tables which get represented as a list of sheets where
# each sheet remembers the title and the order columns in the original table. This allows
# to convert file formats with the order of tables, columns (and rows) being preserved.
class TabSheet(NamedTuple):
data: List[Dict[str, CellValue]]
headers: List[str]
title: str
def tablistfor(tabdata: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, CellValue]]]) -> List[TabSheet]:
tablist: List[TabSheet] = []
for name, data in tabdata.items():
tablist += [TabSheet(data, [], name)]
return tablist
def tablistitems(tablist: List[TabSheet]) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, CellValue]]]]:
for tabsheet in tablist:
yield tabsheet.title, tabsheet.data
def tablistmap(tablist: List[TabSheet]) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, CellValue]]]:
tabdata: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, CellValue]]] = OrderedDict()
for name, data in tablistitems(tablist):
tabdata[name] = data
return tabdata
def tablistfileXLSX(filename: str) -> List[TabSheet]:
workbook = load_workbook(filename)
return tablist_workbook(workbook)
def tablist_workbook(workbook: Workbook, section: str = NIX) -> List[TabSheet]:
tab = []
for ws in workbook.worksheets:
title = ws.title
cols: List[str] = []
for col in range(MAXCOL):
header = ws.cell(row=1, column=col + 1)
if header.value is None:
name = header.value
if name is None:
logg.debug("xlsx found %s cols\n\t%s", len(cols), cols)
data: List[Dict[str, CellValue]] = []
for atrow in range(MAXROWS):
record = []
found = 0
for atcol in range(len(cols)):
cell = ws.cell(row=atrow + 2, column=atcol + 1)
if cell.data_type in ["f"]:
value = cell.value
# logg.debug("[%i,%si] cell.value = %s", atcol, atrow, value)
if value is not None:
found += 1
if isinstance(value, str) and value == " ":
value = ""
if not found:
newrow = dict(zip(cols, record))
data.append(newrow) # type: ignore[arg-type]
tab.append(TabSheet(data, cols, title))
return tab
def currency() -> str:
""" make dependent on locale ? """
currency_dollar = 0x024
currency_pound = 0x0A3
currency_symbol = 0x0A4 # in iso-8859-1 it shows the euro sign
currency_yen = 0x0A5
currency_euro = 0x20AC
return chr(currency_euro)
def tablistmake_workbook(tablist: List[TabSheet], selected: List[str] = [], minwidth: int = 0) -> Optional[Workbook]:
workbook: Optional[Workbook] = None
for tabsheet in tablist:
if workbook is not None:
work = tabto_workbook(tabsheet.data, tabsheet.headers, selected,
minwidth=minwidth, section=tabsheet.title,
if workbook is None:
workbook = work
return workbook
def tabtoXLSX(filename: str, data: Iterable[Dict[str, CellValue]], headers: List[str] = [], selected: List[str] = [], minwidth: int = 0, section: str = NIX) -> str:
workbook = tabto_workbook(data, headers, selected, minwidth, section)
save_workbook(filename, workbook)
return "TABXLSX"
def tabto_workbook(data: Iterable[Dict[str, CellValue]], headers: List[str] = [], selected: List[str] = [], minwidth: int = 0,
section: str = NIX, workbook: Optional[Workbook] = None) -> Workbook:
minwidth = minwidth or MINWIDTH
renameheaders: Dict[str, str] = {}
showheaders: List[str] = []
sortheaders: List[str] = []
formats: Dict[str, str] = {}
combine: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
for header in headers:
combines = ""
for selheader in header.split("|"):
if "@" in selheader:
selcol, rename = selheader.split("@", 1)
selcol, rename = selheader, ""
if ":" in selcol:
name, form = selcol.split(":", 1)
if isinstance(formats, dict):
fmts = form if "{" in form else ("{:" + form + "}")
formats[name] = fmts.replace("i}", "n}").replace("u}", "n}").replace("r}", "s}").replace("a}", "s}")
name = selcol
showheaders += [name] # headers make a default column order
if rename:
sortheaders += [name] # headers does not sort anymore
if not combines:
combines = name
elif combines not in combine:
combine[combines] = [name]
elif name not in combine[combines]:
combine[combines] += [name]
if rename:
renameheaders[name] = rename
logg.debug("renameheaders = %s", renameheaders)
logg.debug("sortheaders = %s", sortheaders)
logg.debug("formats = %s", formats)
logg.debug("combine = %s", combine)
combined: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
renaming: Dict[str, str] = {}
selcols: List[str] = []
for selecheader in selected:
combines = ""
for selec in selecheader.split("|"):
if "@" in selec:
selcol, rename = selec.split("@", 1)
selcol, rename = selec, ""
if ":" in selcol:
name, form = selcol.split(":", 1)
if isinstance(formats, dict):
fmts = form if "{" in form else ("{:" + form + "}")
formats[name] = fmts.replace("i}", "n}").replace("u}", "n}").replace("r}", "s}").replace("a}", "s}")
name = selcol
if rename:
renaming[name] = rename
if not combines:
combines = name
elif combines not in combined:
combined[combines] = [name]
elif combines not in combined[combines]:
combined[combines] += [name]
logg.debug("combined = %s", combined)
logg.debug("renaming = %s", renaming)
logg.debug("selcols = %s", selcols)
if not selected:
combined = combine # argument
renaming = renameheaders
logg.debug("combined : %s", combined)
logg.debug("renaming : %s", renaming)
newsorts: Dict[str, str] = {}
colnames: Dict[str, str] = {}
for name, rename in renaming.items():
if "@" in rename:
newname, newsort = rename.split("@", 1)
elif rename and rename[0].isalpha():
newname, newsort = rename, ""
newname, newsort = "", rename
if newname:
colnames[name] = newname
if newsort:
newsorts[name] = newsort
logg.debug("newsorts = %s", newsorts)
logg.debug("colnames = %s", colnames)
sortcolumns = [(name if name not in colnames else colnames[name]) for name in (selcols or sortheaders)]
if newsorts:
for num, name in enumerate(sortcolumns):
if name not in newsorts:
newsorts[name] = ("@" * len(str(num)) + str(num))
sortcolumns = sorted(newsorts, key=lambda x: newsorts[x])
logg.debug("sortcolumns : %s", sortcolumns)
if selcols:
selheaders = [(name if name not in colnames else colnames[name]) for name in (selcols)]
selheaders = [(name if name not in colnames else colnames[name]) for name in (showheaders)]
def strNone(value: CellValue) -> str:
if isinstance(value, Time):
return value.strftime(TIMEFMT)
if isinstance(value, Date):
return value.strftime(DATEFMT)
return str(value)
def sortkey(header: str) -> str:
if header in selheaders:
num = selheaders.index(header)
return ("@" * len(str(num)) + str(num))
return header
def sortrow(row: Dict[str, CellValue]) -> str:
def asdict(item: Dict[str, CellValue]) -> Dict[str, CellValue]:
if hasattr(item, "_asdict"):
return item._asdict() # type: ignore[union-attr, no-any-return, arg-type, attr-defined]
return item
item = asdict(row)
sorts = sortcolumns
if sorts:
# numbers before empty before strings
sortvalue = ""
for sort in sorts:
if sort in item:
value = item[sort]
if value is None:
sortvalue += "\n?"
elif value is False:
sortvalue += "\n"
elif value is True:
sortvalue += "\n!"
elif isinstance(value, int):
val = "%i" % value
sortvalue += "\n" + (":" * len(val)) + val
elif isinstance(value, float):
val = "%.6f" % value
sortvalue += "\n" + (":" * val.index(".")) + val
elif isinstance(value, Time):
sortvalue += "\n" + value.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H%MS")
elif isinstance(value, Date):
sortvalue += "\n" + value.strftime("%Y%m%d")
sortvalue += "\n" + str(value)
sortvalue += "\n?"
return sortvalue
return ""
rows: List[Dict[str, CellValue]] = []
cols: Dict[str, int] = {}
for num, item in enumerate(data):
row: Dict[str, CellValue] = {}
if "#" in headers:
item["#"] = num + 1
cols["#"] = len(str(num + 1))
for name, value in item.items():
selname = name
if name in renameheaders and renameheaders[name] in selcols:
selname = renameheaders[name]
if selcols and selname not in selcols and "*" not in selcols:
colname = selname if selname not in colnames else colnames[selname]
row[colname] = value # do not format the value here!
oldlen = cols[colname] if colname in cols else max(minwidth, len(colname))
cols[colname] = max(oldlen, len(strNone(value)))
sortedrows = list(sorted(rows, key=sortrow))
sortedcols = list(sorted(cols.keys(), key=sortkey))
return make_workbook(sortedrows, sortedcols, cols, formats, section=section, workbook=workbook)
def make_workbook(rows: List[Dict[str, CellValue]],
cols: List[str], colwidth: Dict[str, int], formats: Dict[str, str],
section: str = NIX, workbook: Optional[Workbook] = None) -> Workbook:
row = 0
workbook = workbook or Workbook()
ws = workbook.active
ws.title = section or SECTION
col = 0
for name in cols:
ws.cell(row=1, column=col + 1).value = name
ws.cell(row=1, column=col + 1).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="right")
if name in colwidth:
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(col + 1)].width = colwidth[name]
col += 1
for item in rows:
row += 1
values: Dict[str, CellValue] = dict([(name, "") for name in cols])
for name, value in item.items():
values[name] = value
col = 0
for name in cols:
value = values[name]
at = {"column": col + 1, "row": row + 1}
if value is None:
ws.cell(**at).value = ""
ws.cell(**at).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="left")
ws.cell(**at).number_format = "General"
elif isinstance(value, Time):
ws.cell(**at).value = value
ws.cell(**at).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="right")
ws.cell(**at).number_format = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm"
elif isinstance(value, Date):
ws.cell(**at).value = value
ws.cell(**at).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="right")
ws.cell(**at).number_format = "yyyy-mm-dd"
elif isinstance(value, int):
ws.cell(**at).value = value
ws.cell(**at).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="right")
ws.cell(**at).number_format = "#,##0"
elif isinstance(value, float):
ws.cell(**at).value = value
ws.cell(**at).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="right")
ws.cell(**at).number_format = "#,##0.00"
if name in formats and "$}" in formats[name]:
ws.cell(**at).number_format = "#,##0.00" + currency()
ws.cell(**at).value = value
ws.cell(**at).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="left")
ws.cell(**at).number_format = "General"
col += 1
return workbook
# ...........................................................
def sec_usec(sec: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
""" split float value to seconds and microsecond integers"""
if not sec:
return 0, 0
if "." in sec:
x = float(sec)
s = int(x)
u = int((x - s) * 1000000)
return s, u
return int(sec), 0
class StrToDate:
""" parsing iso8601 day formats"""
def __init__(self, datedelim: str = "-") -> None:
self.delim = datedelim
self.is_date = re.compile(r"(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[.]?$".replace('-', datedelim))
self.is_part = re.compile(r"(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[^\d].*".replace('-', datedelim))
def date(self, value: str) -> Optional[Date]:
got = self.is_date.match(value)
if got:
y, m, d = got.group(1), got.group(2), got.group(3)
return Date(int(y), int(m), int(d))
return None
def datepart(self, value: str) -> Optional[Date]:
got = self.is_part.match(value)
if got:
y, m, d = got.group(1), got.group(2), got.group(3)
return Date(int(y), int(m), int(d))
return None
def __call__(self, value: str) -> Union[str, Date, Time]:
d = self.date(value)
if d: return d
p = self.datepart(value)
if p: return p
return value
class StrToTime(StrToDate):
""" parsing iso8601 day or day-and-time formats with zone offsets"""
def __init__(self, datedelim: str = "-") -> None:
StrToDate.__init__(self, datedelim)
self.is_localtime = re.compile(
r"(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[.T ](\d\d)[:]?(\d\d)(?:[:](\d\d(?:[.]\d*)?))?$".replace('-', datedelim))
self.is_zonetime = re.compile(
r"(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)[.T ](\d\d)[:]?(\d\d)(?:[:](\d\d(?:[.]\d*)?))?[ ]*(Z|UTC|[+-][0-9][0-9])(?:[:]?([0-9][0-9]))?$".replace('-', datedelim))
def time(self, value: str) -> Optional[Time]:
got = self.is_localtime.match(value)
if got:
y, m, d, H, M, S = got.group(1), got.group(2), got.group(3), got.group(4), got.group(5), got.group(6)
return Time(int(y), int(m), int(d), int(H), int(M), *sec_usec(S))
got = self.is_zonetime.match(value)
if got:
hh, mm = got.group(7), got.group(8)
if hh in ["Z", "UTC"]:
plus = TimeZone.utc
plus = TimeZone(Plus(hours=int(hh), minutes=int(mm or 0)))
y, m, d, H, M, S = got.group(1), got.group(2), got.group(3), got.group(4), got.group(5), got.group(6)
return Time(int(y), int(m), int(d), int(H), int(M), *sec_usec(S), tzinfo=plus)
return None
def __call__(self, value: str) -> Union[str, Date, Time]:
d = self.date(value)
if d: return d
t = self.time(value)
if t: return t
return value
_atformats = ["@json", "@jsn", "@markdown", "@md", "@md2", "@md3", "@md4", "@md5", "@md6",
"@wide", "@read", "@txt", "@text",
"@tabs", "@tab", "@data", "@ifs", "@dat", "@csv", "@scsv", "@xls", "@xlsx"]
def fmt_selected(selected: List[str]) -> str:
for sel in selected:
if sel in _atformats:
return sel[1:]
return NIX
def tabtotext(data: Iterable[Dict[str, CellValue]], # ..
headers: List[str] = [], selected: List[str] = [],
*, fmt: str = "", tab: Optional[str] = None, padding: Optional[str] = None, minwidth: int = 0, section: str = NIX,
noheaders: bool = False, unique: bool = False, defaultformat: str = "") -> str:
stream = StringIO()
print_tabtotext(stream, data, headers, selected, # ..
tab=tab, padding=padding,
minwidth=minwidth, section=section,
noheaders=noheaders, unique=unique, defaultformat=(fmt or defaultformat))
return stream.getvalue()
def print_tabtotext(output: Union[TextIO, str], data: Iterable[Dict[str, CellValue]], # ..
headers: List[str] = [], selected: List[str] = [],
*, tab: Optional[str] = None, padding: Optional[str] = None, minwidth: int = 0, section: str = NIX,
noheaders: bool = False, unique: bool = False, defaultformat: str = "") -> str:
""" This code is supposed to be copy-n-paste into other files. You can safely try-import from
tabtotext or tabtoxlsx to override this function. Only a subset of features is supported. """
spec: Dict[str, str] = dict(cast(Tuple[str, str], (x, "") if "=" not in x else x.split("=", 1))
for x in selected if x.startswith("@"))
selected_fmt = fmt_selected(selected)
selected = [x for x in selected if not x.startswith("@")]
minwidth = minwidth or MINWIDTH
padding = " " if padding is None else padding
tab = "|" if tab is None else tab
def extension(filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
_, ext = fs.splitext(filename.lower())
if ext: return ext[1:]
return None
if isinstance(output, TextIO) or isinstance(output, StringIO):
out = output
fmt = defaultformat or selected_fmt
done = "stream"
elif "." in output:
fmt = extension(output) or defaultformat
if fmt in ["xls", "xlsx"]:
tabtoXLSX(output, data, headers, selected, section=section)
return "XLSX"
out = open(output, "wt", encoding="utf-8")
done = output
fmt = output or defaultformat or selected_fmt
out = sys.stdout
done = output
if fmt in ["md", "markdown"]:
fmt = "GFM" # nopep8
if fmt in ["md2"]:
fmt = "GFM"
minwidth = 2 # nopep8
if fmt in ["md3"]:
fmt = "GFM"
minwidth = 3 # nopep8
if fmt in ["md4"]:
fmt = "GFM"
minwidth = 4 # nopep8
if fmt in ["md5"]:
fmt = "GFM"
minwidth = 5 # nopep8
if fmt in ["md6"]:
fmt = "GFM"
minwidth = 6 # nopep8
if fmt in ["wide"]:
fmt = "GFM"
tab = "" # nopep8
if fmt in ["read"]:
fmt = "GFM"
tab = " " # nopep8
padding = ""
noheaders = True
if fmt in ["txt"]:
fmt = "GFM"
padding = "" # nopep8
if fmt in ["text"]:
fmt = "GFM"
padding = ""
noheaders = True # nopep8
if fmt in ["tabs"]:
fmt = "GFM"
tab = "\t"
padding = "" # nopep8
if fmt in ["tab"]:
fmt = "CSV"
tab = "\t" # nopep8
if fmt in ["data"]:
fmt = "CSV"
tab = "\t"
noheaders = True # nopep8
if fmt in ["ifs"]:
fmt = "CSV"
tab = os.environ.get("IFS", "\t") # nopep8
if fmt in ["dat"]:
fmt = "CSV"
tab = os.environ.get("IFS", "\t")
noheaders = True # nopep8
if fmt in ["csv", "scsv"]:
fmt = "CSV"
tab = ";" # nopep8
if fmt in ["list"]:
fmt = "CSV"
tab = ";"
noheaders = True # nopep8
if fmt in ["json"]:
fmt = "JSON"
if fmt in ["jsn"]:
fmt = "JSON"
padding = ""
if fmt in ["xlsx", "xls"]:
fmt = "XLS"
tab = "," # nopep8
# override
if "@tab" in spec:
tab = spec["@tab"]
if "@notab" in spec:
tab = ""
if "@nopadding" in spec:
padding = ""
if "@noheaders" in spec:
noheaders = True
if "@unique" in spec:
unique = True
none_string = "~"
true_string = "(yes)"
false_string = "(no)"
floatfmt = "%4.2f"
noright = fmt in ["data"]
noheaders = noheaders or fmt in ["data", "text", "list"]
formatleft = re.compile("[{]:[^{}]*<[^{}]*[}]")
formatright = re.compile("[{]:[^{}]*>[^{}]*[}]")
formatnumber = re.compile("[{]:[^{}]*[defghDEFGHMQR$%][}]")
# parsing the microsyntax of headers and selected columns ["colname:{:.2f}$@newname"]
formats: Dict[str, str] = {}
renameheaders: Dict[str, str] = {}
showheaders: List[str] = []
sortheaders: List[str] = []
for header in headers:
for selheader in header.split("|"):
if "@" in selheader:
selcol, rename = selheader.split("@", 1)
selcol, rename = selheader, ""
if ":" in selcol:
name, form = selcol.split(":", 1)
fmts = form if "{" in form else ("{:" + form + "}")
formats[name] = fmts.replace("i}", "n}").replace("u}", "n}").replace("r}", "s}").replace("a}", "s}")
name = selcol
showheaders += [name]
if rename:
sortheaders += [name] # default sort by named headers (rows)
if rename:
renameheaders[name] = rename
renaming: Dict[str, str] = {}
selcols: List[str] = []
for selecheader in selected:
for selec in selecheader.split("|"):
if "@" in selec:
selcol, rename = selec.split("@", 1)
selcol, rename = selec, ""
if ":" in selcol:
name, form = selcol.split(":", 1)
fmts = form if "{" in form else ("{:" + form + "}")
formats[name] = fmts.replace("i}", "n}").replace("u}", "n}").replace("r}", "s}").replace("a}", "s}")
name = selcol
if rename:
renaming[name] = rename
if not selected:
renaming = renameheaders
logg.debug("sortheaders = %s | formats = %s", sortheaders, formats)
newsorts: Dict[str, str] = {}
colnames: Dict[str, str] = {}
for name, rename in renaming.items():
if "@" in rename:
newname, newsort = rename.split("@", 1)
elif rename and rename[0].isalpha():
newname, newsort = rename, ""
newname, newsort = "", rename
if newname:
colnames[name] = newname
if name in formats:
formats[newname] = formats[name]
if newsort:
newsorts[name] = newsort
sortcolumns = [(name if name not in colnames else colnames[name]) for name in (selcols or sortheaders)]
if newsorts:
for num, name in enumerate(sortcolumns):
if name not in newsorts:
newsorts[name] = ("@" * len(str(num)) + str(num))
sortcolumns = sorted(newsorts, key=lambda x: newsorts[x])
logg.debug("sortcolumns : %s", sortcolumns)
logg.debug("sortcolumns = %s", sortcolumns)
selcolumns = [(name if name not in colnames else colnames[name]) for name in (selcols)]
selheaders = [(name if name not in colnames else colnames[name]) for name in (showheaders)]
# .......................................
def rightalign(col: str) -> bool:
if col in formats and not noright:
if formats[col].startswith(" "):
return True
if formats[col].startswith("{: "):
return True
if formatleft.search(formats[col]):
return False
if formatright.search(formats[col]):
return True
if formatnumber.search(formats[col]):
return True
return False
def strValue(value: CellValue) -> str:
if value is None: return none_string
if value is False: return false_string
if value is True: return true_string
if isinstance(value, Time):
return value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d.%H%M") # TIMEFMT
if isinstance(value, Date):
return value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # DATEFMT
return str(value)
def format(name: str, val: CellValue) -> str:
if name in formats:
fmt = formats[name]
if fmt.startswith("{:") and fmt[-1] == "}" and "%s" in fmt:
fmt = fmt[2:-1].replace("%s", "{:s}")
if fmt.startswith("{:%") and fmt[-1] == "}" and fmt[-2] in "sf":
fmt = fmt.replace("{:%", "{:")
if "{:" in fmt:
return fmt.format(val)
except Exception as e:
logg.debug("format <%s> does not apply: %s", fmt, e)
if isinstance(val, float):
return floatfmt % val
return strValue(val)
def asdict(item: Dict[str, CellValue]) -> Dict[str, CellValue]:
if hasattr(item, "_asdict"):
return item._asdict() # type: ignore[union-attr, no-any-return, arg-type, attr-defined]
return item
rows: List[Dict[str, CellValue]] = []
cols: Dict[str, int] = {}
for num, item in enumerate(data):
row: Dict[str, CellValue] = {}
if "#" in selcols:
row["#"] = num + 1
cols["#"] = len(str(num + 1))
for name, value in asdict(item).items():
selname = name
if name in renameheaders and renameheaders[name] in selcols:
selname = renameheaders[name]
if selcols and selname not in selcols and "*" not in selcols:
colname = selname if selname not in colnames else colnames[selname]
row[colname] = value
oldlen = cols[colname] if colname in cols else max(minwidth, len(colname))
cols[colname] = max(oldlen, len(format(colname, value)))
def sortkey(header: str) -> str:
headers = selcolumns or selheaders
if header in headers:
num = headers.index(header)
return ("@" * len(str(num)) + str(num))
return header
def sortrow(row: Dict[str, CellValue]) -> str:
item = asdict(row)
sorts = sortcolumns
if sorts:
sortvalue = ""
for sort in sorts:
if sort in item:
value = item[sort]
if value is None:
sortvalue += "\n?"
elif value is False:
sortvalue += "\n"
elif value is True:
sortvalue += "\n!"
elif isinstance(value, int):
val = "%i" % value
sortvalue += "\n" + (":" * len(val)) + val
elif isinstance(value, float):
val = "%.6f" % value
sortvalue += "\n" + (":" * val.index(".")) + val
sortvalue += "\n" + strValue(value)
sortvalue += "\n?"
return sortvalue
return ""
# print ..........................................
colo = tuple(sorted(cols.keys(), key=sortkey)) # ordered column names
same = []
if fmt in ["JSON"]:
import json
pad = " " * len(padding)
comma = "," + pad
lines: List[str] = []
for row in sorted(rows, key=sortrow):
line: List[str] = []
for name in colo:
if name in row:
value = row[name]
if isinstance(value, Date) or isinstance(value, Time):
line += ['"%s":%s"%s"' % (name, pad, str(value))]
line += ['"%s":%s%s' % (name, pad, json.dumps(value))]
lines.append(" {" + comma.join(line) + "}")
newlist = "[\n"
endlist = "\n]"
if section and not noheaders:
newlist = '{"%s":%s[\n' % (section.replace('"', "'"), pad)
endlist = "\n]}"
out.write(newlist + ",\n".join(lines) + endlist)
return "JSON"
if fmt in ["CSV"]:
tab1 = tab if tab else ";"
import csv
writer = csv.DictWriter(out, fieldnames=colo, restval='~',
quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, delimiter=tab1)
if not noheaders:
old: Dict[str, str] = {}
for row in sorted(rows, key=sortrow):
rowvalues: Dict[str, str] = {}
for name, value in asdict(row).items():
rowvalues[name] = format(name, value)
if unique:
same = [sel for sel in selcols if sel in rowvalues and sel in old and rowvalues[sel] == old[sel]]
if not selcols or same != selcols:
old = rowvalues
return "CSV"
ws = ("", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") # " "*(0...8)
colw = tuple((cols[col] for col in colo)) # widths of cols ordered
colr = tuple((rightalign(col) for col in colo)) # rightalign of cols ordered
tab2 = (tab + padding if tab else "")
esc1 = "\\"
esc2 = "\\\\"
esc3 = tab[0] if tab else "\\"
esc4 = "\\" + tab[0] if tab else "\\"
esc7 = "\n"
esc8 = "\\\n"
if section and not noheaders:
print(F"\n## {section}", file=out)
if not noheaders:
hpad = [(ws[w] if w < 9 else (" " * w)) for w in ((colw[m] - len(col)) for m, col in enumerate(colo))]
line = [tab2 + (hpad[m] + col if colr[m] else col + hpad[m]) for m, col in enumerate(colo)]
print(padding.join(line).rstrip(), file=out)
if tab and padding:
seps = ["-" * colw[m] for m, col in enumerate(colo)]
seperators = [tab2 + (seps[m][:-1] + ":" if colr[m] else seps[m]) for m, col in enumerate(colo)]
print(padding.join(seperators).rstrip(), file=out)
oldvalues: Dict[str, str] = {}
for item in sorted(rows, key=sortrow):
values: Dict[str, str] = {}
for name, value in asdict(item).items():
values[name] = format(name, value).replace(esc1, esc2).replace(esc3, esc4).replace(esc7, esc8)
vals = [values.get(col, none_string) for col in colo]
vpad = [(ws[w] if w < 9 else (" " * w)) for w in ((colw[m] - len(vals[m])) for m, col in enumerate(colo))]
line = [tab2 + (vpad[m] + vals[m] if colr[m] else vals[m] + vpad[m]) for m, col in enumerate(colo)]
if unique:
same = [sel for sel in selcols if sel in values and sel in oldvalues and values[sel] == oldvalues[sel]]
if not selcols or same != selcols:
print((padding.join(line)).rstrip(), file=out)
oldvalues = values
return "GFM"
def tablistfile(input: Union[TextIO, str], *, tab: Optional[str] = None, defaultformat: str = "") -> List[TabSheet]:
def extension(filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
_, ext = fs.splitext(filename.lower())
if ext: return ext[1:]
return None
if isinstance(input, TextIO) or isinstance(input, StringIO):
inp = input
fmt = defaultformat
done = "stream"
elif "." in input:
fmt = extension(input) or defaultformat
if fmt in ["xls", "xlsx"]:
return tablistfileXLSX(input)
inp = open(input, "rt", encoding="utf-8")
done = input
fmt = input or defaultformat
inp = sys.stdin
done = input
tab = '|' if tab is None else tab
if fmt in ["wide", "text"]:
tab = ''
if fmt in ["read"]:
tab = ' '
if fmt in ["tabs", "tab", "dat", "ifs", "data"]:
tab = '\t'
if fmt in ["csv", "scsv", "list"]:
tab = ';'
if fmt in ["xls", "sxlx"]:
tab = ','
none_string = "~"
true_string = "(yes)"
false_string = "(no)"
tabs: List[TabSheet] = []
if fmt in ["jsn", "json"]:
import json
time = StrToTime()
jsondata = json.load(inp)
if isinstance(jsondata, dict):
jsondict = jsondata
jsondict = {"data": jsondata}
for listname, jsonlist in jsondict.items():
listdata: List[Dict[str, CellValue]] = []
if isinstance(jsonlist, Iterable):
for nextgroup in jsonlist:
if isinstance(nextgroup, dict):
newgroup: Dict[str, CellValue] = {}
for nam, jsonval in nextgroup.items():
if isinstance(jsonval, str):
newgroup[nam] = time(jsonval)
newgroup[nam] = jsonval
tabs.append(TabSheet(listdata, [], listname))
return tabs
time = StrToTime()
data: List[Dict[str, CellValue]] = []
if fmt in ["csv", "scsv", "tab"]:
import csv
reader = csv.DictReader(inp, delimiter=tab)
for nextrecord in reader:
# newrecord: Dict[str, CellValue] = cast(Dict[str, CellValue], nextrecord.copy())
newrecord: Dict[str, CellValue] = {}
for nam, val in nextrecord.items():
v = val.strip()
if v == none_string:
newrecord[nam] = None
elif v == false_string:
newrecord[nam] = False
elif v == true_string:
newrecord[nam] = True
newrecord[nam] = int(v)
newrecord[nam] = float(v)
newrecord[nam] = time(v)
return [TabSheet(data, list(reader.fieldnames if reader.fieldnames else []), SECTION)]
# must have headers
lookingfor = "headers"
headers: List[str] = []
title = ""
igs = chr(0x1D) # ascii/ebcdic group seperator
pre = ""
for line in inp:
if "\\" in line:
esc = line.rstrip().split("\\")
if esc[-1] == "":
pre = line.rstrip() # line continuation
if pre:
line = pre + "\n" + line
pre = ""
if "\\" in line:
groups = [("\\" if not g else igs + g[1:] if g.startswith(tab) else g) for g in ("\n" + line).split("\\")]
line = ("".join(groups))[1:]
# check decoded row
logg.debug("line = %s", line.replace(igs, "{tab}").replace("\n", "{br}"))
if not line.rstrip() or (tab and not line.startswith(tab)):
if headers:
if not title:
title = "-%s" % (len(tabs) + 1)
tabs.append(TabSheet(data, headers, title))
title = ""
headers = []
data = []
lookingfor = "headers"
if line.startswith("## "):
title = line[3:].strip().replace(igs, tab)
vals = [tad.strip().replace(igs, tab) for tad in line.split(tab)]
if tab:
del vals[0]
if lookingfor == "headers":
headers = [header.strip() for header in vals]
lookingfor = "divider"
elif lookingfor == "divider":
lookingfor = "data"
if re.match(r"^ *:*--*:* *$", vals[0]):
record: Dict[str, CellValue] = {}
for col, val in enumerate(vals):
v = val.strip()
if col >= len(headers):
colname = headers[col]
if v == none_string:
record[colname] = None
elif v == false_string:
record[colname] = False
elif v == true_string:
record[colname] = True
record[colname] = int(v)
record[colname] = float(v)
except Exception as e:
record[colname] = time(v)
if headers:
if not title:
title = "-%s" % (len(tabs) + 1)
tabs.append(TabSheet(data, headers, title))
return tabs
def print_tablist(output: Union[TextIO, str], tablist: List[TabSheet] = [], selected: List[str] = [], # ..
*, tab: Optional[str] = None, padding: Optional[str] = None,
minwidth: int = 0, section: str = NIX, page: int = 0,
noheaders: bool = False, unique: bool = False, defaultformat: str = "") -> str:
def extension(filename: str) -> Optional[str]:
_, ext = fs.splitext(filename.lower())
if ext: return ext[1:]
return None
if page:
if page > len(tablist):
logg.error("selected -%i page, but input has only %s pages", page, len(tablist))
tabsheets = []
tabsheets = [tablist[page - 1]]
elif section:
tabsheets = []
tabsheetnames = []
for tabsheet in tablist:
tabsheetnames += [tabsheet.title]
if tabsheet.title == section:
tabsheets += [tabsheet]
if not tabsheets:
logg.error("selected '-: %s' page, but input has only -: %s", section, " ".join(tabsheetnames))
tabsheets = tablist
if len(tabsheets) == 1:
if tabsheets[0].title:
logg.info(" ## %s", tabsheets[0].title)
title = section if isinstance(section, str) else NIX
return print_tabtotext(output, tabsheets[0].data, tabsheets[0].headers, selected,
tab=tab, padding=padding, minwidth=minwidth,
section=title, noheaders=noheaders, unique=unique, defaultformat=defaultformat)
selected_fmt = fmt_selected(selected)
if isinstance(output, TextIO) or isinstance(output, StringIO):
out = output
fmt = defaultformat or selected_fmt
done = "stream"
elif "." in output:
fmt = extension(output) or defaultformat or selected_fmt
if fmt in ["xls", "xlsx", "XLS", "XLSX"]:
wb1 = tablistmake_workbook(tabsheets, selected) # type: ignore[arg-type]
if wb1:
return "tabxlsx (%s tables)" % len(wb1.worksheets)
return "tabxlsx"
out = open(output, "wt", encoding="utf-8")
done = output
fmt = output or defaultformat or selected_fmt
out = sys.stdout
done = output
result: List[str] = []
for tabsheet in tabsheets:
if tabsheet.title:
logg.info(" ## %s", tabsheet.title)
text = tabtotext(tabsheet.data, tabsheet.headers, selected, fmt=fmt,
tab=tab, padding=padding, minwidth=minwidth,
section=tabsheet.title, noheaders=noheaders, unique=unique,
if fmt in ["jsn", "json", "JSN", "JSON"]:
for part in range(len(result) - 1):
if result[part].endswith("]}"):
result[part] = result[part][:-1] + ","
for part in range(1, len(result)):
if result[part].startswith('{"'):
result[part] = result[part][1:]
for lines in result:
for line in lines:
if noheaders or "@noheaders" in selected or "@dat" in selected:
return ""
return ": %s results %s (%s tables)" % (len(result), done, len(tabsheets))
if __name__ == "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser, Option
import sys
def numbered_option(option: Option, arg: str, value: str, parser: OptionParser) -> None:
setattr(parser.values, (option.dest or "numbered"), int(arg[1:]))
prog = os.path.basename(__file__)
cmdline = OptionParser(prog + " [-options] input(.xlsx|.csv) [:page] [column...] [@list]", epilog=__doc__)
cmdline.formatter.max_help_position = 29
cmdline.add_option("--tables", "--sheetnames", "--sectionnames", "--listnames",
"--onlypages", dest="onlypages", action="store_true")
cmdline.add_option("-:", "--sheet", "--section", "--listname", "--page", metavar="NAME", dest="section")
cmdline.add_option("-1", "-2", "-3", "-4", "-5", "-6", dest="page", action="callback", callback=numbered_option,
help="numbered page instead of ':name' or '-: name'")
cmdline.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="increase logging level")
cmdline.add_option("-^", "--quiet", action="count", default=0, help="decrease logging level")
cmdline.add_option("-m", "--minwidth", metavar="N", default=0,
help="override minwith of cells for format")
cmdline.add_option("-p", "--padding", metavar="C", default=None,
help="override cell padding for format")
cmdline.add_option("-t", "--tabulator", metavar="C", default=None,
help="override tabulator for format")
cmdline.add_option("-T", "--asciitab", action="store_true", default=False,
help="use ascii HT tabulator (csv,md,tab,wide)")
cmdline.add_option("-N", "--notab", action="store_true", default=False,
help="do not use tabulator (csv,md,tab,wide)")
cmdline.add_option("-P", "--nopadding", action="store_true", default=False,
help="do not use padding (csv,md,tab,wide)")
cmdline.add_option("-D", "--noheaders", action="store_true", default=False,
help="do not print headers (csv,md,tab,wide)")
cmdline.add_option("-U", "--unique", action="store_true", default=False,
help="remove same lines in sorted --labels")
cmdline.add_option("-f", "--file", metavar="INPUT", dest="files", action="append", default=[],
help="combine tables (instead of first argument)")
cmdline.add_option("-i", "--input", metavar="CSV", dest="inputformat", default="",
help="fix input format (instead of autodetection)")
cmdline.add_option("-o", "--output", metavar="CSV", default="",
help="data|text|md|tab|csv or file.csv (see below)")
cmdline.add_option("--ifs", action="store_true", help="-o ifs: $IFS-seperated table (with headers)")
cmdline.add_option("--dat", action="store_true", help="-o dat: $IFS-seperated table (without headers)")
cmdline.add_option("--data", action="store_true", help="-o data: tab-seperated without headers")
cmdline.add_option("--text", action="store_true", help="-o text: space-seperated without headers")
cmdline.add_option("--list", action="store_true", help="-o text: semicolon-seperated without headers")
cmdline.add_option("--wide", action="store_true", help="-o wide: aligned space-separated table")
cmdline.add_option("--read", action="store_true", help="-o read: aligned esc-space-separated no-headers")
cmdline.add_option("--md", action="store_true", help="-o md: aligned markdown table (with '|' delim)")
cmdline.add_option("--markdown", action="store_true", help="-o markdown: markdown with extra '|' at end")
cmdline.add_option("--tabs", action="store_true", help="-o tabs: aligned tab-seperated table (not '|')")
cmdline.add_option("--tab", action="store_true", help="-o tab: aligned tab-seperated table (like --dat)")
cmdline.add_option("--csv", "--scsv", action="store_true", help="-o csv: semicolon-seperated csv table")
cmdline.add_option("--xls", "--xlsx", action="store_true", help="-o xls: for filename.xlsx (else comma-csv)")
opt, args = cmdline.parse_args()
basicConfig(level=max(0, ERROR - 10 * opt.verbose + 10 * opt.quiet))
filenames: List[str] = opt.files
if not filenames and args:
filenames = [args[0]]
args = args[1:]
page: int = int(opt.page or 0)
section: str = opt.section or ""
if not section and args and args[0].startswith(":"):
section = args[0][1:].strip()
args = args[1:]
selected = args
minwidth = int(opt.minwidth)
padding = opt.padding if not opt.nopadding else ""
tab = "\t" if opt.asciitab else opt.tabulator if not opt.notab else ""
if "." in opt.output:
output = opt.output
defaultformat = ""
output = ""
defaultformat = opt.output
if not defaultformat:
if opt.ifs:
defaultformat = "ifs"
if opt.dat:
defaultformat = "dat"
if opt.data:
defaultformat = "data"
if opt.text:
defaultformat = "text"
if opt.list:
defaultformat = "list"
if opt.wide:
defaultformat = "wide"
if opt.md:
defaultformat = "md"
if opt.markdown:
defaultformat = "markdown"
if opt.tabs:
defaultformat = "tabs"
if opt.tab:
defaultformat = "tab"
if opt.csv:
defaultformat = "csv"
if opt.xls:
defaultformat = "xls"
inputformat = opt.inputformat or "xslx"
tablist: List[TabSheet] = []
for filename in filenames:
tablist += tablistfile(filename, defaultformat=inputformat)
if opt.onlypages:
for tabsheet0 in tablist:
print_tablist(output, tablist, selected, padding=padding, tab=tab,
noheaders=opt.noheaders, unique=opt.unique, minwidth=minwidth,
section=section, page=page, defaultformat=defaultformat)