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Add or remove hints

Dahan Gong edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 6 revisions

Commands like LinkHints.* supports some options to use CSS selectors to add / filter out special page elements.

  • clickable will mark matched elements as clickable
  • match will limit LinkHints to only show hints for specific elements
  • exclude will exclude some elements from the list of found elements

For example, map f LinkHints.activateMode clickable=".link,.button" exclude=".link-container" will add <i class="link"/> while exclude <div class="link link-container">...</div>.

Please notice that these will affect the startup time of LinkHints. So you may need to trigger LinkHints with different options on different websites.

For example, this can hide elements with [role=heading]on Google search result pages:

env g host=":"
run f <v-f> expect="g:<v-gf>"
map <v-f> LinkHints.activate
map <v-gf> LinkHints.activate exclude="[role=heading]"

Since v1.98.1, LinkHints supports clickableOnHost: string and excludeOnHost:

  • clickableOnHost should be a list of host-css_selector-rules joined by ; character
  • a host-css_selector-rule includes host-regexp and css-selector, joined by ## (somehow like syntax in μBlock Origin)
  • a host-regexp is a valid RegExp to match some website domains
  • a css-selector can be a simple selector or a list of simple selectors joined by ,

For example, Vimium C has a built-in excludeOnHost list to make LinkHints look better on search result pages:



Comment: this section is just translation of all the above into Chinese.
提示: 本小节和上一节内容相同,仅为翻译。

LinkHints 系列命令支持一些参数来筛选、添加要提示的元素,不过需要懂些 CSS 知识。

  • clickable 可以把相应元素标记成“可点击的”
  • match 可以限制 LinkHints 只对特定元素显示提示
  • exclude 最后生效,可以排除一些不想要的元素

比如 map f LinkHints.activateMode clickable=".link,.button" exclude=".link-container" 表示标记 <i class="link"/> 但排除 <div class="link link-container">...</div>

请注意:上述参数都会影响 LinkHints 的启动速度,所以您可以参考 此处(英文) 来为不同网站设置不同的 LinkHints 命令参数。

Knowledge of CSS Selector / CSS 选择器相关知识


Introduction and document:

中文介绍(Document in Chinese):