#Dante Editor

####Just another Medium editor clone.
So far I have tried all the Medium.com wysiwyg clones out there, these are really great, and each have their pros and cons. But none of them has all the features that the real medium editor provides. so I wonder, How complicated could it be to write my own Medium wysiwyg clone?
Until now I´ve been able to implement the following features:
- HTML sanitizer for pasted or loaded text.
- Image upload for paste events.
- Image upload for legacy images on existent texts.
- The medium (+) Tooltip to embed or upload media.
- Tab navigation.
- Embeds:
- Image Uploader with preview and caption option.
- Embed data for pasted link through OEmbed services.
- Embed media information for pasted links through OEmbed services.
- Add or remove tooltip buttons with ease with plugin system.
- List creation with shorcuts ie:. 1. , - , 1) with spacebar or return key
- Custom tooltip bottons support
- CSS tries to use the same fonts used in Medium, (if you have already setup those fonts) or fallbacks to open fonts (by Google fonts) or system fonts.
- serif: freight-text-pro fallbacks to Merriweather or Georgia,
- sans: jaf-bernino-sans fallbacks to Open Sans or Lucida Grande
<div id="editor">
your content here
<script type="text/javascript">
editor = new Dante.Editor(
el: "#editor",
upload_url: "/images.json", //it expect an url string in response like /your/server/image.jpg or http://app.com/images/image.jpg
store_url: "/save" //post to save
- el: default: #editor
- debug: default: false
- upload_url: default: /uploads.json
- upload_callback default: empty, allows optional way to handle the server response when image is uploaded This is useful when you don't have control on the backend response.
- oembed_url: default: http://api.embed.ly/1/oembed?url="
- extract_url: default: http://api.embed.ly/1/extract?url="
- store_url: default: to none , url to store data with interval
- store_method default: to POST , http verb to use when store_url is present.
- store_interval: default: 15000 (15 secs), used when store_url is present.
- spellcheck: default: false
- default_loading_placeholder: image placeholder to show when uploaded/pasted images are loading , defaults to a grey background
- disable_title default: false, will hide the initial heading placeholder for initial text
- title_placeholder default: 'Title'
- title default: none, pass a pre-existing title to the editor here
- body_placeholder default: 'Tell your story…'
- embed_placeholder default: 'Paste a YouTube, Vine, Vimeo, or other video link, and press Enter'
- extract_placeholder default: 'Paste a link to embed content from another site (e.g. Twitter) and press Enter'
- base_widgets: default: ["uploader", "embed", "embed-extract"],
- extra_tooltip_widgets: and array of new Dante.TooltipWidget instances.
Use the title option in the initializer to pass a title to Dante.
Use the following code to get your text into the Dante editor's body:
<div id="editor editable" > <%= clean_dante_post( @post.excerpt ).try(:html_safe) %> </div>
in Gemfile
gem "dante-editor"
@import "dante";
//= require 'dante'
This Library will work fine on latest versions of Chrome/Safari/FF/IE. We don't have any intention to target all browsers versions, really... if you like this library and you need backward compatibility with an specific version you can submit a patch to help with the development or just upgrade your shitty browser :D
BTW , this library is an official beta release, so there are known bugs that we are currently working on. see TODO list below.
Some dependencies are required in order to Dante editor works properly:
- Jquery
- Underscore
- Sanitize.js
Drop underscore and jquery dependencies are on our roadmap.
There is a web app for development to work with the source files and make the proper tests. To use application:
- install ruby
- execute
bundle install
- execute
bower install
bundle exec rackup config.ru
and visit http://localhost:9292
bundle exec middleman
(this is without upload server)
and visit localhost:4567
foreman start
and visit http://localhost:9292
tests are located in source/tests and /source/assets/spec folder and accessible by visit host/tests
Big kudos to our valued contributors. Check them all at:
- Inline menu features was written taking some ideas and code from pen.js
- Sanitize.js allows us to clean HTML like pros.
- No animals were harmed in the making of this
Licensed under MIT. 2014