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This is an OCaml binding to the C library, libssh.

All code is kept under the Ssh module with Ssh.Client implementing client side ssh and Ssh.Server providing the server side (although that isn't implemented yet, client seems more important at the moment).


Here is a simple usage at the moment.

let () = 
  let a_session = Ssh.init () in
  (* Remote Debian machine *)
  let opts = Ssh.Client.({ host = "some.machine.with.ssh";
                           log_level = SSH_LOG_NOLOG;
                           port = 22;
                           username = "";
                           auth = Auto; })
  Ssh.Client.connect opts a_session;
  a_session |> Ssh.Client.exec ~command:"uname -a" |> print_endline;
  Ssh.close a_session

Right now you can either use Auto or Interactive for the authentication, the latter having libssh ask you on the command line for password authentication.


My goals with this library

  1. Make it stable
  2. Do real concurrent ssh copying and command execution.