This is sample of admin vue-element-admin using postgraphile as backend instead of mockup. Only part of login that using graphile, the rest is left for your exercises :)
For this purpose, I only request query without using any mutations. Postgraphile can saves you a lot of time in doing backend chores. All graphql request is using vue-apollo.
Clone this repo
git clone
cd graphile-element
before seting up backend, you have to install database in postgresql and setup the .env (edit as you setup db). Im using yarn, you can use npm.
cd server
cp .env.example .env
yarn install
get the database schema to your db
psql yourdb < provision.sql
start the server
yarn start
You can play the server by accessing http://localhost:5000/graphiql
cd client
yarn install
yarn dev
You can test to login using username: password: admin
apps | site |
postgraphile | [] |
vue-element-admin | [] |
element-ui | [] |
vue-apollo | [] |
a very very good video from @benjie about postgrapile (