import sbtcrossproject.{crossProject, CrossProject} /// variables val projectName = "kartograffel" val rootPkg = "kartograffel" val circeVersion = "0.11.2" val doobieVersion = "0.8.7" val flywayVersion = "6.5.5" val fs2Version = "2.4.2" val h2Version = "1.4.200" val http4sVersion = "0.20.21" val logbackVersion = "1.2.3" val refinedVersion = "0.9.15" val scalacheckShapelessVersion = "1.2.5" val scalajsJqueryVersion = "1.0.0" val scalajsReactVersion = "1.7.5" val scalaTestVersion = "3.2.2" val specs2Version = "4.10.3" val webjarJqueryVersion = "3.3.1" val webjarReactVersion = "16.7.0" /// projects lazy val root = project .in(file(".")) .aggregate(clientJS) .aggregate(serverJVM) .aggregate(sharedJS) .aggregate(sharedJVM) .settings(commonSettings) .settings(noPublishSettings) lazy val client = crossProject(JSPlatform) .configureCross(moduleCrossConfig("client")) .jsConfigure(_.dependsOn(sharedJS)) .enablePlugins(ScalaJSWeb) .settings( // Disabling coverage because of: // coverageEnabled := false, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "be.doeraene" %%% "scalajs-jquery" % scalajsJqueryVersion, "co.fs2" %%% "fs2-core" % fs2Version, //scalajs-react "com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "core" % scalajsReactVersion, "com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "extra" % scalajsReactVersion, "com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "ext-cats" % scalajsReactVersion, /// test dependencies "com.github.japgolly.scalajs-react" %%% "test" % scalajsReactVersion % Test, // Replace with specs2 when it supports Scala.js: // "org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % scalaTestVersion % Test ), jsEnv in Test := new org.scalajs.jsenv.jsdomnodejs.JSDOMNodeJSEnv(), jsDependencies ++= Seq( "org.webjars" % "jquery" % webjarJqueryVersion / s"$webjarJqueryVersion/jquery.js", "org.webjars.npm" % "react" % webjarReactVersion / "umd/react.development.js" minified "umd/react.production.min.js" commonJSName "React", "org.webjars.npm" % "react-dom" % webjarReactVersion / "umd/react-dom.development.js" minified "umd/react-dom.production.min.js" dependsOn "umd/react.development.js" commonJSName "ReactDOM" ), dependencyOverrides ++= Seq( "org.webjars.npm" % "js-tokens" % "4.0.0", "org.webjars.npm" % "scheduler" % "0.11.0" ), scalaJSUseMainModuleInitializer := true ) lazy val clientJS = client.js lazy val server = crossProject(JVMPlatform) .configureCross(moduleCrossConfig("server")) .jvmConfigure(_.dependsOn(sharedJVM % "compile->compile;test->test")) .enablePlugins(BuildInfoPlugin) .enablePlugins(DebianPlugin, JavaServerAppPackaging, SystemVPlugin) .enablePlugins(SbtWeb) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackVersion, "com.github.pureconfig" %% "pureconfig-generic" % "0.13.0", "com.h2database" % "h2" % h2Version, "eu.timepit" %% "refined" % refinedVersion, "eu.timepit" %% "refined-pureconfig" % refinedVersion, "org.flywaydb" % "flyway-core" % flywayVersion, "org.http4s" %% "http4s-blaze-server" % http4sVersion, "org.http4s" %% "http4s-circe" % http4sVersion, "org.http4s" %% "http4s-core" % http4sVersion, "org.http4s" %% "http4s-dsl" % http4sVersion, "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-core" % doobieVersion, "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-hikari" % doobieVersion, "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-refined" % doobieVersion, /// test dependencies "org.http4s" %% "http4s-testing" % http4sVersion % Test, "org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % specs2Version % Test, "org.tpolecat" %% "doobie-specs2" % doobieVersion % Test ) ) // command line options for run and reStart .settings( configDirectory := / "conf", configFile := configDirectory.value / "application.conf", := true, := true, javaOptions ++= { Seq( s"-Dconfig.file=${configFile.value}", s"-Dlogback.configurationFile=/logback.xml" ) } ) // sbt-buildinfo settings .settings( buildInfoKeys := { val assetsRoot = "assetsRoot" -> "assets" val assetsPath = "assetsPath" -> s"${assetsRoot._2}/${moduleName.value}/${version.value}" Seq[BuildInfoKey]( name, version, moduleName, modulePkg, assetsRoot, assetsPath, crossTarget, { case (_, value) => "jsOptPostfix" -> (if (value) "fastopt" else "opt") } ) }, buildInfoPackage := modulePkg.value ) // sbt-heroku settings .settings( herokuAppName in Compile := name.value ) // sbt-native-packager settings .settings( bashScriptExtraDefines ++= Seq( """addJava "-Dconfig.file=${app_home}/../conf/application.conf"""", """addJava "-Dlogback.configurationFile=${app_home}/../conf/logback.xml"""" ) ) // sbt-web-scalajs settings .settings( scalaJSProjects := Seq(clientJS), := Seq(scalaJSPipeline) ) lazy val serverJVM = server.jvm lazy val shared = crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform) .configureCross(moduleCrossConfig("shared")) .settings( libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "eu.timepit" %%% "refined" % refinedVersion, "io.circe" %%% "circe-generic" % circeVersion, "io.circe" %%% "circe-refined" % circeVersion, "io.circe" %%% "circe-parser" % circeVersion, /// test dependencies "com.github.alexarchambault" %%% "scalacheck-shapeless_1.14" % scalacheckShapelessVersion % Test, "eu.timepit" %%% "refined-scalacheck" % refinedVersion % Test, "io.circe" %%% "circe-testing" % circeVersion % Test, "org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % scalaTestVersion % Test ) ) lazy val sharedJS = shared.js lazy val sharedJVM = shared.jvm /// settings def moduleCrossConfig(name: String): CrossProject => CrossProject ="modules/$name")) .settings( moduleName := name, modulePkg := s"$rootPkg.$name" ) .settings(commonSettings) lazy val commonSettings = Def.settings( compileSettings, consoleSettings, metadataSettings, packageSettings ) lazy val compileSettings = Def.settings( scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-deprecation", "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-feature", "-language:existentials", "-language:experimental.macros", "-language:higherKinds", "-language:implicitConversions", "-unchecked", "-Xfatal-warnings", "-Xfuture", "-Xlint:-unused,_", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-unused:implicits", "-Ywarn-unused:imports", "-Ywarn-unused:locals", "-Ywarn-unused:patvars", "-Ywarn-unused:privates", "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "-Ywarn-value-discard" ) ) lazy val consoleSettings = Def.settings( scalacOptions in (Compile, console) -= "-Ywarn-unused:imports", scalacOptions in (Test, console) := (scalacOptions in (Compile, console)).value, initialCommands += s""" import import $rootPkg.shared._ import $rootPkg.shared.model._ import $rootPkg.shared.domain.model._ import ${modulePkg.value}._ """, initialCommands in Test += s""" import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import $rootPkg.shared.model.ArbitraryInstances._ """ ) lazy val metadataSettings = Def.settings( name := projectName, licenses := Seq("Apache-2.0" -> url("")), startYear := Some(2017) ) lazy val packageSettings = Def.settings( maintainer := s"$projectName author(s) <$>" ) lazy val noPublishSettings = Def.settings( publish := {}, publishLocal := {}, publishArtifact := false ) /// taskKeys and settingKeys lazy val h2Console = taskKey[Unit]("Runs the H2 console.") h2Console := { val cpFiles = val h2jar = cpFiles.find(_.toString.contains(h2Version)) val cfgFile = val log = streams.value.log h2jar.fold { sys.error(s"Could not find H2 JAR for version $h2Version") } { h2File => import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseFile(cfgFile) val command = Seq( "java", "-jar", h2File.toString, "-url", cfg.getString("db.url"), "-driver", cfg.getString("db.driver"), "-user", cfg.getString("db.user"), "-password", cfg.getString("db.password") )"Running ${command.mkString(" ")}") scala.sys.process.Process(command).run() } } lazy val configDirectory = settingKey[File]("") lazy val configFile = settingKey[File]("") lazy val modulePkg = settingKey[String]("") modulePkg := rootPkg /// commands def addCommandsAlias(name: String, cmds: Seq[String]) = addCommandAlias(name, cmds.mkString(";", ";", "")) addCommandsAlias( "validate", Seq( "clean", "scalafmtCheck", "scalafmtSbtCheck", "test:scalafmtCheck", "coverageOn", "test", "coverageReport", "coverageOff", "doc", "package", "packageSrc", "debian:packageBin" ) ) addCommandsAlias( "deployHerokuCmds", Seq( "clean", "serverJVM/stage", "serverJVM/deployHeroku" ) )