bug(indent): tabs should be displayed with the listchars for tabs #334
Did you check docs and existing issues?
- I have read all the snacks.nvim docs
- I have updated the plugin to the latest version before submitting this issue
- I have searched the existing issues of snacks.nvim
- I have searched the existing issues of plugins related to this issue
Neovim version (nvim -v)
NVIM v0.10.2 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.1731601260 Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info
Operating system/version
Arch Linux
Describe the bug
Tabs in files are displayed using the space or leading space character from the listchars. They should instead be displayed using the tab character instead.
Steps To Reproduce
Here is an example listchars configuration to reproduce the issue:
vim.opt.list = true
vim.opt.listchars = {
lead = "·",
trail = "•",
multispace = "∅",
nbsp = "‡",
tab = "⇥»",
precedes = "❮",
extends = "❯",
eol = "↵",
-- eol = "⤶",
Below is an example file to reproduce the issue:
use globset::GlobBuilder;
use mlua::{ExternalError, ExternalResult, Function, IntoLua, IntoLuaMulti, Lua, MetaMethod, Table, Value};
use tokio::fs;
use yazi_fs::remove_dir_clean;
use crate::{Error, bindings::{Cast, Cha}, file::File, url::{Url, UrlRef}};
pub fn compose(lua: &Lua) -> mlua::Result<Table> {
let index = lua.create_function(|lua, (ts, key): (Table, mlua::String)| {
let value = match key.as_bytes().as_ref() {
b"cha" => cha(lua)?,
b"write" => write(lua)?,
b"remove" => remove(lua)?,
b"read_dir" => read_dir(lua)?,
b"unique_name" => unique_name(lua)?,
_ => return Ok(Value::Nil),
ts.raw_set(key, value.clone())?;
let fs = lua.create_table_with_capacity(0, 10)?;
fs.set_metatable(Some(lua.create_table_from([(MetaMethod::Index.name(), index)])?));
fn cha(lua: &Lua) -> mlua::Result<Function> {
lua.create_async_function(|lua, (url, follow): (UrlRef, Option<bool>)| async move {
let meta = if follow.unwrap_or(false) {
} else {
match meta {
Ok(m) => (Cha::from(m), Value::Nil).into_lua_multi(&lua),
Err(e) => (Value::Nil, Error::Io(e)).into_lua_multi(&lua),
fn write(lua: &Lua) -> mlua::Result<Function> {
lua.create_async_function(|lua, (url, data): (UrlRef, mlua::String)| async move {
match fs::write(&*url, data.as_bytes()).await {
Ok(_) => (true, Value::Nil).into_lua_multi(&lua),
Err(e) => (false, Error::Io(e)).into_lua_multi(&lua),
fn remove(lua: &Lua) -> mlua::Result<Function> {
lua.create_async_function(|lua, (type_, url): (mlua::String, UrlRef)| async move {
let result = match type_.as_bytes().as_ref() {
b"file" => fs::remove_file(&*url).await,
b"dir" => fs::remove_dir(&*url).await,
b"dir_all" => fs::remove_dir_all(&*url).await,
b"dir_clean" => Ok(remove_dir_clean(&url).await),
_ => Err("Removal type must be 'file', 'dir', 'dir_all', or 'dir_clean'".into_lua_err())?,
match result {
Ok(_) => (true, Value::Nil).into_lua_multi(&lua),
Err(e) => (false, Error::Io(e)).into_lua_multi(&lua),
fn read_dir(lua: &Lua) -> mlua::Result<Function> {
lua.create_async_function(|lua, (dir, options): (UrlRef, Table)| async move {
let glob = if let Ok(s) = options.raw_get::<mlua::String>("glob") {
} else {
let limit = options.raw_get("limit").unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
let resolve = options.raw_get("resolve").unwrap_or(false);
let mut it = match fs::read_dir(&*dir).await {
Ok(it) => it,
Err(e) => return (Value::Nil, Error::Io(e)).into_lua_multi(&lua),
let mut files = vec![];
while let Ok(Some(next)) = it.next_entry().await {
if files.len() >= limit {
let path = next.path();
if glob.as_ref().is_some_and(|g| !g.is_match(&path)) {
let url = yazi_shared::url::Url::from(path);
let file = if !resolve {
yazi_fs::File::from_dummy(url, next.file_type().await.ok())
} else if let Ok(meta) = next.metadata().await {
yazi_fs::File::from_meta(url, meta).await
} else {
yazi_fs::File::from_dummy(url, next.file_type().await.ok())
files.push(File::cast(&lua, file)?);
let tbl = lua.create_table_with_capacity(files.len(), 0)?;
for f in files {
(tbl, Value::Nil).into_lua_multi(&lua)
fn unique_name(lua: &Lua) -> mlua::Result<Function> {
lua.create_async_function(|lua, url: UrlRef| async move {
match yazi_fs::unique_name(url.clone(), async { false }).await {
Ok(u) => (Url::cast(&lua, u)?, Value::Nil).into_lua_multi(&lua),
Err(e) => (Value::Nil, Error::Io(e)).into_lua_multi(&lua),
- Use the listchars configuration above.
- Copy and paste the example file into Neovim.
- Observe that the tabs in the file are being displayed as leading spaces instead of the tab listchar character.
Expected Behavior
Tabs should be displayed with the tab listchar instead of the leading spaces listchar or the space listchar.
With indent-blankline.nvim:
vim.env.LAZY_STDPATH = ".repro"
load(vim.fn.system("curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/folke/lazy.nvim/main/bootstrap.lua"))()
vim.opt.list = true
vim.opt.listchars = {
lead = "·",
trail = "•",
multispace = "∅",
nbsp = "‡",
tab = "⇥»",
precedes = "❮",
extends = "❯",
eol = "↵",
-- eol = "⤶",
spec = {
{ "folke/snacks.nvim", opts = {
indent = { enabled = true },
} },
-- add any other plugins here