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FR: open source FirebaseInstanceID #186



[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your environment

  • Xcode version: 8.3
  • Firebase SDK version: 0.0.1
  • Library version: what's the difference?
  • Firebase Product: messaging

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

Steps to reproduce:

Messaging (and probably some other services) depend on FirebaseInstanceID (which is not open sourced yet). I'm using it like in the Podfile in your examples, locking to an older version of FirebaseInstanceID (which doesn't have dependency on the full closed source Firebase SDK):

# Lock to the 1.0.9 version of InstanceID since 1.0.10 added a dependency
# to FirebaseCore
pod 'FirebaseInstanceID', '1.0.9'

What's the plan for this? Will FirebaseInstanceID open sourced in the near future and integrated into this open source SDK? Thanks.



rsattar commented on Aug 10, 2017


@herrernst This is something we are interested in doing, but unfortunately we currently cannot for various reasons. I can't give a timeline on this, unfortunately!

What's the main desire to see it open-sourced from your end? Just curious. Thanks for the FR!


herrernst commented on Aug 11, 2017


Thanks for your answer.

What's the main desire to see it open-sourced from your end?

The generic reasons why to prefer open source over closed source: trust (I would like to see the code I include in my app to know what it does) and potential better debugging when there would be a problem.
I can live with it for now, only hope that the old 1.0.9 version of FirebaseInstanceID will not stop working anytime soon ;-) (One problem could arise when Apple introduces a new architecture.)


rsattar commented on Aug 11, 2017


Thanks for the response @herrernst! Your reasons make perfect sense, and that's why we've been open-sourcing our SDKs. The InstanceID SDK will have newer versions that will continue to work, though it will remain closed-source for now. The locking of the version to 1.0.9 was temporarily, will be fixed soon.


gregbzh commented on Nov 2, 2017


Hello, I am currently porting Messaging on macOS. Since Messaging is using FirebaseInstanceID, and is currently only available for iOS, it could be nice to make it open source so we can use it also for macOS. If open source is not possible, maybe source code is already macOS compatible and only pod spec must be updated including osx support. Best.


herrernst commented on Apr 5, 2018


Any update on this? FirebaseInstanceID 2.0.3 removed the dependency on FirebaseCore, but 2.0.8 added it again. Any reason why?


paulb777 commented on Apr 5, 2018


FirebaseInstanceID added dependencies to FirebaseCore for logging.

It's still the plan to open source FirebaseInstanceID but I can't give an update on timing.

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    FR: open source FirebaseInstanceID · Issue #186 · firebase/firebase-ios-sdk