Port Perspective js examples to Observable js notebooks for dataViz devs to experiment with #560
Feature Request
You have great examples and I recently discovered this set ported to blocks:
Description of Problem:
I believe your library could get even more traction if we ported your examples to Observable JS notebooks.
Potential Solutions:
I sort of started on that last year and would be willing to give you a hand with it
Ideally, I think you should create https://observablehq.com/@perspective dev team handle on @observablehq and share it with @mbostock. He is usually good with sharing good javascript libraries and dataViz examples collections like yours.
Alternative solution: I can create and beef up a #perspective collection for js notebooks on @observablehq under my current handle there, and you guys can fork, suggest or take what you want from it when you get to it.
P.S.: also, why is your github @perspective handle pointing to? https://github.com/perspective :)