Linux Distribution: NixOS (with flakes)
Dotfiles: bare git + Home Manager
Shell: ZSH (via Home Manager)
Editor: Neovim + LazyVim (I always use it in the terminal or with neovide)
Keyboard layout: Neo Layout
Tiling Window Manager: Herbstluftwm
Statusbar: Polybar
Terminal: Alacritty
Font: Commit Mono
Theme: tokyonight-storm (dark) / catppuccin-latte with white background (light)
Password Manager: KeePassXC synced with MEGA to cloud + android, with Syncthing to trusted friends - covers:
- SSH Agent
- TOTP Authenticator
- secret service / gnome-keyring
- scecret environment variables, like
Screenshot tool: Flameshot
git TUI: tig - make precise commits by staging individual git hunks instead of whole files
WARNING: These are the installation instructions for myself, not for you. You should have your own repository and get inspired by this one. If you have any questions, feel free to open issues.
# Manage dotfiles entirely with git:
git clone --bare git@github.com:fdietze/dotfiles.git "$HOME/dotfiles.git"
alias dt='GIT_DIR="$HOME/dotfiles.git" GIT_WORK_TREE="$HOME" git -c status.showUntrackedFiles=no'
dt checkout master
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
- What are
? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/71253/what-should-shouldnt-go-in-zshenv-zshrc-zlogin-zprofile-zlogout - Better bash functions: https://cuddly-octo-palm-tree.com/posts/2021-10-31-better-bash-functions/
managing dotfiles with pure git + external worktree in $HOME
fzf over dotfiles: vd
Neo keyboard layout
Vim and keybindings
toggle ; at end of line
quickly edit dotfiles with vim: vv
fzf for editing dotfiles
git alias: g
zsh bell after every command
v for fzf+vim in current git repo
Tiling Window Manager keybindings
Dark and Light color scheme switching
reverse compilation errors