import sys import json # Refer to see examples on how to use this package from googletrans import Translator translator = Translator() # # Not setting to utf-8 explicitly as python3 is utf-8 by default and it requires python 3.7+ to run the below command #sys.stdout.reconfigure(encoding='utf-8') # python command line args args = sys.argv # This script will take an array of text strings and return back result the googletrans library gives in json format to stdout # If the first argument is detect, then detect language if args[1] == 'detect': sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(vars(translator.detect(args[2])))) # else translate the languages in array, this library support 15k char at single array index else: # Removing the script name from args args.pop(0) translations = translator.translate(args) sys.stdout.write('[') for translation in translations: sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(vars(translation))) sys.stdout.write(',') sys.stdout.write('""') sys.stdout.write(']') # Last element in the array returned is empty string, you need to remove that before usage