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Continue to get error: I continue to get an error: "Need to acknowledge to Apple's Apple ID and Privacy statement." #12675



New Issue Checklist

Issue Description

Even though I have accepted the privacy statement, I continue to see the error: "Need to acknowledge to Apple's Apple ID and Privacy statement."

I have logged into,, and multiple times from different networks. No statement is presented to acknowledge, yet fastlane continues to produce the error above.

Note that I am running this under Jenkins. I had logged in several times to the itunesconnect account from various machines. The privacy acceptance was only required once. However, when I logged in as the Jenkins user and accessed itunesconnect again with the same appleid, the privacy acknowledgement was required again (once). A clue?

Related to #12577?

Complete output when running fastlane, including the stack trace and command used
[✔] 🚀 
[12:00:41]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane

DEBUG [2018-06-05 12:00:41.23]: Checking if there are any plugins that should be loaded...
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: ----------------------------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: --- Step: Verifying fastlane version ---
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: ----------------------------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: Your fastlane version 2.97.0 matches the minimum requirement of 2.68.2 ✅
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: ------------------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: --- Step: default_platform ---
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: ------------------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: Driving the lane 'ios getCerts' 🚀
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: --------------------------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: --- Step: Switch to ios certs lane ---
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: --------------------------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: Cruising over to lane 'ios certs' 🚖
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: -------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: --- Step: match ---
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.33]: -------------------
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.40]: Cloning remote git repo...
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.40]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the clone_branch_directly option in match.
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.40]: $ GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 git clone 'ssh://' '/var/folders/hl/jb5p0pr92z7_3_xk5d0dz59r000086/T/d20180605-16579-1cvhjz6'
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:41.41]: ▸ Cloning into '/var/folders/hl/jb5p0pr92z7_3_xk5d0dz59r000086/T/d20180605-16579-1cvhjz6'...
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.08]: ▸ remote: Counting objects: 78, done.
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.46]: ▸ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (69/69), done.
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.70]: ▸ remote: Total 78 (delta 15), reused 0 (delta 0)
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.70]: ▸ Receiving objects: 100% (78/78), 208.67 KiB | 1.12 MiB/s, done.
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.70]: ▸ Resolving deltas: 100% (15/15), done.
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.75]: 🔓 Decrypted 'U4ZU78KQF2.cer'
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.80]: 🔓 Decrypted 'U4ZU78KQF2.p12'
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.84]: 🔓 Decrypted ''
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.88]: 🔓 Decrypted ''
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.92]: 🔓 Decrypted ''
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:43.96]: 🔓 Decrypted ''
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:44.00]: 🔓 Decrypted ''
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:44.04]: 🔓 Decrypted ''
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:44.04]: 🔓 Successfully decrypted certificates repo
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:44.08]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal...
WARN [2018-06-05 12:00:44.39]: Lane Context:
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:44.39]: {:DEFAULT_PLATFORM=>:ios, :PLATFORM_NAME=>:ios, :LANE_NAME=>"ios getCerts"}
ERROR [2018-06-05 12:00:44.39]: Need to acknowledge to Apple's Apple ID and Privacy statement. Please manually log into (or to acknowledge the statement.
INFO [2018-06-05 12:00:44.39]: Successfully generated documentation at path '/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Home/workspace/GlucoZone-iOS/fastlane/'
ERROR [2018-06-05 12:00:44.40]: fastlane finished with errors



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