5.0.0 - 0.17 Ready Commands
Change Log:
- Added admin only auth file due to lack of roles.
- Added command /me - Sends an action message in the chat
- Added command /admin-chat - Sends a message in chat that only admins can see.
- Added command /chelp [keyword] [page] - Searches for a keyword in all commands you are allowed to use.
- Updated command /cheat-mode [player] - Toggles cheat mode for your player, or another player.
- Updated command /interface - Sends an innovation to be ran and returns the result.
- Updated command /kill [player] - Kills yourself or another player.
- Updated command /tag - Sets your player tag.
- Updated command /tag-clear [player] - Clears your tag or another player if you are admin.
- Updated command /teleport <from_player} <to_player> - Teleports a player to another player.
- Updated command /bring - Teleports a player to you.
- Updated command /goto - Teleports you to a player.
- All non command features have been removed while being updated to 0.17.
- Redmew utils and resources are being used for companitiblty and ease of updating.
- Reworked Commands module (expcore.commands) to allow more felxibilty of command definations.
- Added common_parse for command paramaters.
- Renamed ExpLib to common and many function have been removed for now.
- Locale files have be altered to fit what is currently present, so only english currently.
For more details see commit: release/5.0.0