This package contains core components of the EstNLTK library:
- data structures:
; - tagger component interfaces:
; - basic layer operations: flatten, merge, rebase, split layers etc.
- basic visualization and Jupyter Notebook support (HTML representations);
- functions for converting between EstNLTK's data structures and JSON / dict representations;
- skeleton for NLP pipeline (components for resolving layer dependencies and tagging layers sequentially);
Note: this package does not include linguistic analysis tools / Estonian NLP pipeline. Please use the estnltk
package for the pipeline.
The EstNLTK project is funded by EKT (Eesti Keeletehnoloogia Riiklik Programm).
EstNLTK-core is available as a PyPI wheel:
pip install estnltk_core==1.7.3
And as an Anaconda package:
conda install -c estnltk -c conda-forge estnltk_core=1.7.3
Supported Python versions: 3.9+
Information about EstNLTK-core's API is provided in docstrings of classes and methods. Browse the source for details.
The source of the package can be found at main branch.
License: GNU General Public License v2.0
(C) University of Tartu