Build a Youtube clone using ReactJS.
- In this project, I learn:
- React functional components and their reusability
- React file and folder structure
- Material UI (version 5)
- Perfectly placed media queries for satisfactory responsiveness on all devices
- And most importantly, fetching data from unlimited sources using RapidAPI.
You can reach my project from here !
- JS
- ReactJS
- Axios
- Material UI
- RapidAPI
youtube_clone (folder)
├── public
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── logo.png
│ └── robots.txt
├── src
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── ChannelCard.jsx
│ │ ├── ChannelDetail.jsx
│ │ ├── Feed.jsx
│ │ ├── Loader.jsx
│ │ ├── Navbar.jsx
│ │ ├── SearchBar.jsx
│ │ ├── SearchFeed.jsx
│ │ ├── Sidebar.jsx
│ │ ├── VideoCard.jsx
│ │ ├── VideoDetail.jsx
│ │ ├── Videos.jsx
│ │ └── index.js
│ ├── utils
│ │ ├── fetchFromAPI.js.js
│ │ └── constants.js.jsx
│ ├── App.css
│ ├── App.js
│ └── index.js
├── package.json
└── yarn.lock
To run this project, install it locally using npm or yarn:
$ git clone
$ cd youtube_clone/
$ npm install / yarn
$ npm start / yarn start