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Portfolio Page


When I first started learning software development, I wanted to create my own portfolio website to showcase my experience, education, projects, and skills. I wasn't very good at designing websites at the time, so I was looking for a portfolio template to help me get started.

After doing some research, I found Harvey Delaney's devportfolio template on GitHub. I loved its design, simplicity, and customizability, so I built my portfolio using that template.

Over time, I wanted to add new features to my portfolio, but I was limited by the way the original template was implemented. I found myself trying to force new features into the project, and I realized that I needed to create my own portfolio using a more modern stack.

That's why I created this portfolio template using React, JavaScript, and Styled Components. It's designed to be simple, customizable, and easy to use, and I hope it will provide the same benefit to you that Harvey's template provided to me.

Although I created this template from scratch, I must acknowledge that the design of the website is heavily influenced by Harvey's original template. Thank you, Harvey, for providing the inspiration for this project.

Project Link

You can reach my project from here 👈

Project Skeleton

esadakman (folder)
├── public
│     └── index.html
├── src
│    ├── assets
│    │       │── projectPreviews
│    │       │     ├── HtmlProjects
│    │       │     ├── JavaScript
│    │       │     └── ReactJS
│    │       └── [images]
│    ├── components
│    │       ├── ComponentsStyles
│    │       │     ├── About.styled.jsx
│    │       │     ├── Contact.styled.jsx
│    │       │     ├── Education.styled.jsx
│    │       │     ├── Footer.styled.jsx
│    │       │     ├── Main.styled.jsx
│    │       │     ├── Navbar.styled.jsx
│    │       │     ├── ReactProjects.styled.jsx
│    │       │     └── Skills.styled.jsx
│    │       ├── globalStyles
│    │       │     ├── Global.styled.jsx
│    │       │     └── theme
│    │       ├── projectsComponents
│    │       │     ├── HtmlCssProjects.jsx
│    │       │     ├── JavaScriptProjects.jsx
│    │       │     └── ReactProjects.jsx
│    │       ├── About.jsx
│    │       ├── Contact.jsx
│    │       ├── Education.jsx
│    │       ├── Experience.jsx
│    │       ├── Footer.jsx
│    │       ├── Main.jsx
│    │       ├── Navbar.jsx
│    │       └── Skills.jsx
│    ├── helpers
│    │       ├── customToastify.js
│    │       ├── htmlProjects.js
│    │       ├── jsProjects.js
│    │       └── reactProjects.js
│    ├── pages
│    │      ├── styles
│    │      │     └── Projects.styled.jsx
│    │      ├── Home.jsx
│    │      ├── Projects.jsx
│    │      └── ScrollToTop.jsx
│    ├── router
│    │       └─── Router.jsx
│    ├── App.js
│    ├── App.csss
│    ├── index.js
│    └── index.scss
├── package.json
└── yarn.lock

At the end of the project, following topics are to be covered;

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • ReactJS
  • Styled Components
  • React-router-dom
  • gh-pages
  • emailjs
  • react-toastify

To run this project;

$ git clone
$ cd ./
$ npm install / yarn
$ npm start / yarn start

Preview of the Project
