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Tool for doing and simulating genetic stock identification of salmon, etc.

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The command line program gsi_sim is designed to do two separate tasks:

  1. Infer the population of origin and the mixing proportions of organisms (typically fish like salmon) sampled from a mixed collection, whilst jointly estimating the mixing proportions. This is known in fisheries as "Genetic Stock Identification" or GSI
  2. Conduct simulations of such inference to predict the power of the genetic markers assembled in a "genetic baseline".

gsi_sim was originally written to do #2 above, but later was adopted to do #1 as well.

gsi_sim is written in C. To get the source code from GitHub and compile it, do this on the command line Unix/Linux or Mac machine (or Windows if you have set up a sane development environment on it):

# git the repo and submodules
git clone
cd gsi_sim/
git submodule init
git submodule update

# make it

That will compile up gsi_sim-Darwin on a Mac and gsi_sim-Linux on a Linux box.

Once you have done that. For abbreviated information on the available options do

./gsi_sim-Darwin --help

and for compete information, try

./gsi_sim-Darwin --help-full

replacing Darwin with Linux if you are on a Linux box and with MINGW32_NT-6.1 if you are on a Windows box.


The executable files gsi_sim-Darwin, gsi_sim-Linux, gsi_sim-MINGW32_NT-6.1 are provided as a courtesy, but are not guaranteed to have been compiled up from the latest commit. For that you should compile it up yourself (or see when the exectuable was last committed). gsi_sim-MINGW32_NT-6.1 is compiled by Eric using MINGW on a PC running as a virtual machine using VirtualBox on his Mac. gsi_sim-Linux is compiled by Eric on our Ubuntu server at the lab. gsi_sim-Darwin is compiled by Eric on his Mac laptop.

Some Simple Examples

In the following examples, if you are running this on Linux, then you should replace gsi_sim-Darwin with gsi_sim-Linux. If you are trying to run it on Windows then replace Darwin with MINGW32_NT-6.1 but be aware that you probably can't do the processing of the output files via sed and awk on Windows, unless you have set that up.

Self-assignment of baseline samples

Using a leave-one-out procedure, take all the baseline samples and assign them back to populations at the Unix command line.

# run the analysis and stick the output in a massive text file
 ./gsi_sim-Darwin -b test_data/snp349_baseline.txt --self-assign > dumpfile
# grab the resulting assignments out of that huge file using some unix/Linux tools
awk -F";" 'BEGIN {print "ID TopPop Score"} /SELF_ASSIGN_A_LA_GC_CSV:/ {print $1, $2, $3}' dumpfile | sed 's/SELF_ASSIGN_A_LA_GC_CSV:\///g;' > self-ass-results.txt 

After doing that we can read things into R (could have done that before, but R is not as fast as awk and sed for ripping through large pure text files), and tally things up by population.


AssignmentTally <- read.table("self-ass-results.txt", header = TRUE) %>%
  tbl_df %>%
  mutate(FromPop = paste(str_split_fixed(ID, "_", 3)[,1], str_split_fixed(ID, "_", 3)[,2], sep ="_")) %>%
  group_by(FromPop, TopPop) %>%
  tally %>%
  arrange(FromPop, desc(n))

After that, AssignmentTally gives you many fish in the each group of the baseline were assigned to which populations. Here is what it looks like when you do[1:25,]

      FromPop           TopPop  n
1   F100_2014 BigQualicum_2014 83
2   F100_2014   Puntledge_2014 10
3   F100_2014        Inch_2006  1
4   F100_2014     Quinsam_2014  1
5   F103_2014    Capilano_2014 92
6   F103_2014     Quinsam_2014  2
7   F103_2014   Puntledge_2014  1
8   F104_2014   Robertson_2014 94
9   F105_2014   Puntledge_2014 85
10  F105_2014 BigQualicum_2014  8
11  F105_2014     Quinsam_2014  2
12  F106_2014     Quinsam_2014 92
13  F106_2014   Puntledge_2014  3
14  F132_2014      Salmon_2014 34
15 F1387_2014   Coldwater_2014 50
16  F150_2006        Inch_2006 63
17  F150_2006        Inch_2014  3
18  F150_2006    Chehalis_2014  2
19  F150_2006       Stave_2014  1
20  F150_2014        Inch_2014  2
21  F244_2014       Stave_2014 42
22  F244_2014    Chehalis_2014  2
23  F244_2014        Inch_2006  1
24  F244_2014        Inch_2014  1
25  M107_2014  Chilliwack_2014 93

Doing MCMC to estimate mixture proportions

Here is another simple example. Let's say we have the baseline test_data/snp349_baseline.txt and the mixture file test_data/snp349_baseline.txt. Then, to estimate the origin of each fish in the mixture relative to the baseline using a Bayesian approach conditioned upon the baseline samples (e.g. not trying to use the mixture to improve the baseline population allele frequencies), you can do like this:

 ./gsi_sim-Darwin -b test_data/snp349_baseline.txt  -t test_data/snp349_mixture.txt --mcmc-sweeps 25000 --mcmc-burnin 5000 > big_ol_output.txt 

It only takes a few seconds to do 30000 sweeps of MCMC. Now, a few output files are produced

pop_pi_full_em_mle.txt           pop_pofz_one_step_em_mle.txt
pop_pi_posterior_means.txt       pop_pofz_posterior_means.txt
pop_pofz_full_em_mle.txt         pop_pofz_scaled_likelihoods.txt

"pofz" is the probability of the origin of each fish. "pi" are the mixing proportions. You get output both from applying an EM algorithm to get an MLE and MCMC to get posterior means. Crack those files open and check them out. They should be pretty self-explanatory.

Compute Z-score to identify fish that may be from outside the baseline populations

Not yet written.

Using gsi_sim to find duplicate samples

One of the ways we use gsi_sim in our lab is to search for samples that have identical (or near identical) genotypes. Here is an example of how to do that on an example data set included in the repository (once again, replace Darwin with Linux if you are on a Linux box)

time ./gsi_sim-Darwin -b test_data/geno-match-example-data.txt  --close-match-base 8 70 | grep CLOSE_MATCH_GENOTYPES

# and the output for that is :
CLOSE_MATCH_GENOTYPES: T028958_?_10-6-2006 and T028959_?_10-6-2006 differ at 0 genotypes out of 95 non-missing loci
CLOSE_MATCH_GENOTYPES: T056350_M_9-29-2008 and T056351_M_9-29-2008 differ at 0 genotypes out of 85 non-missing loci

real	0m3.661s
user	0m3.639s
sys	0m0.019s

which shows that it found two pairs of samples that had identical genotypes out of about 4600 individuals, and that required less than 4 seconds.

Output in this case also gets written to a file called close_matches_baseline.txt in the current working directory.

# look at the output:
cat close_matches_baseline.txt 

# Pairs of fish having 8 or fewer mismatching genotypes and at least 70 loci that are non-missing in each member of the pair 
# Each pair should be listed at most once. Indiv1 appears before Indiv2 in the data set.
Indiv1	Indiv2	NumMismatchLoci	NumNonMissingLoci
T028958_?_10-6-2006	T028959_?_10-6-2006	0	95
T056350_M_9-29-2008	T056351_M_9-29-2008	0	85

For more information on that do ./gsi_sim-Darwin --help-full and find the section on --close-match-base.

The format of geno-match-example-data.txt should be pretty self evident. It starts with the number of individuals and the number of loci on the first line. Then a series of locus names, one on each line, and then a POP specifier with a population name after it. Then a series of lines that each start with the individual ID and are followed by the loci, with two columns for each diploid locus. Alleles must be coded as integers. We use A=1, C=2, G=3, and T=4 for SNPs. Missing data at a locus is denoted with two zeroes (one for each allele).


The main papers describing the simulation algorithms in gsi_sim are:

  1. Anderson, Eric C., Robin S. Waples, and Steven T. Kalinowski. "An improved method for predicting the accuracy of genetic stock identification." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65, no. 7 (2008): 1475-1486.
  2. Anderson, E. C. "Assessing the power of informative subsets of loci for population assignment: standard methods are upwardly biased." Molecular ecology resources 10, no. 4 (2010): 701-710.

There is no paper directly addressing the inference portion of gsi_sim, but it has seen use and citation in, for example:

  1. Israel, Joshua A., K. Jun Bando, Eric C. Anderson, and Bernie May. "Polyploid microsatellite data reveal stock complexity among estuarine North American green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris)." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66, no. 9 (2009): 1491-1504.
  2. Satterthwaite, William H., Michael S. Mohr, Michael R. O’Farrell, Eric C. Anderson, Michael A. Banks, Sarah J. Bates, M. Renee Bellinger et al. "Use of Genetic Stock Identification Data for Comparison of the Ocean Spatial Distribution, Size at Age, and Fishery Exposure of an Untagged Stock and Its Indicator: California Coastal versus Klamath River Chinook Salmon." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143, no. 1 (2014): 117-133.


As a work of the United States Government, this package is in the public domain within the United States. Additionally, we waive copyright and related rights in the work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.

See for more information.


Tool for doing and simulating genetic stock identification of salmon, etc.






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