First install the tool
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-proj
See help with
dotnet proj --help
cd sdk2
Some examples of commands i, like
dotnet proj p2p c1/c1.fsproj
dotnet proj fsc-args c1/c1.fsproj
dotnet proj csc-args l2/l2.csproj
dotnet proj prop c1/c1.fsproj -get OutputType -get Version -get Configuration
It's possibile to pass usual .NET Core Tools arguments (like -c
, -f
, -r
dotnet proj prop c1/c1.fsproj -get OutputType -c Release
And by default search for projects in current directory
cd l1
dotnet proj fsc-args -c Release
NOTE require msbuild
in PATH (like in VS Command Prompt), or pass --msbuild
with full path to msbuild
cd oldsdk
Like before
dotnet proj fsc-args l1/l1.fsproj
You can specify the msbuild to use
dotnet proj prop l1/l1.fsproj -get DocumentationFile --msbuild "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
NOTE require msbuild
in PATH (like in VS Command Prompt), or pass --msbuild
with full path to msbuild
dotnet proj net-fw
You can specify the msbuild to use
dotnet proj net-fw-ref System.Xml -f v3.5 --msbuild "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"