version = ENV['JRUBY_VERSION'] || File.join( basedir, 'VERSION' ) ).strip project 'JRuby', '' do model_version '4.0.0' inception_year '2001' id 'org.jruby:jruby-parent', version inherit 'org.sonatype.oss:oss-parent:7' packaging 'pom' description 'JRuby is the effort to recreate the Ruby ( interpreter in Java.' organization 'JRuby', '' [ 'headius', 'enebo', 'wmeissner', 'BanzaiMan', 'mkristian' ].each do |name| developer name do name name roles 'developer' end end issue_management '', 'GitHub' mailing_list "jruby" do archives "" end license 'GPL 3', '' license 'LGPL 3', '' license 'EPL', '' plugin_repository( :url => '', :id => 'sonatype' ) do releases 'false' snapshots 'true' end repository( :url => '', :id => 'sonatype' ) do releases 'false' snapshots 'true' end source_control( :url => '', :connection => '', :developer_connection => 'scm:git:ssh://' ) distribution do site( :url => '', :id => 'gh-pages', :name => 'JRuby Site' ) end properties( 'its.j2ee' => 'j2ee*/pom.xml', 'its.osgi' => 'osgi*/pom.xml', 'jruby.basedir' => '${project.basedir}', 'main.basedir' => '${project.basedir}', '' => 'utf-8', '' => '1.7', 'base.javac.version' => '1.7', 'invoker.skip' => 'true', 'version.jruby' => '${project.version}', '' => 'github', 'polyglot.dump.pom' => 'pom.xml', 'polyglot.dump.readonly' => 'true', 'jruby.plugins.version' => '1.0.10', 'json.version' => '1.8.3', 'rspec.version' => '3.3.0', 'rspec-core.version' => '3.3.2', 'rspec-expectations.version' => '3.3.1', 'rspec-mocks.version' => '3.3.2', 'minitest.version' => '5.4.1', 'test-unit.version' => '3.1.1', 'power_assert.version' => '0.2.3', 'diff-lcs.version' => '1.1.3', 'racc.version' => '1.4.13', # versions for default gems with bin executables # used in ./lib/pom.rb and ./maven/jruby-stdlib/pom.rb 'rdoc.version' => '4.2.0', 'rake.version' => '10.4.2', 'jar-dependencies.version' => '0.3.2', 'jruby-launcher.version' => '1.1.1', 'ant.version' => '1.9.2', 'asm.version' => '5.0.4', 'jffi.version' => '1.2.12', 'bouncy-castle.version' => '1.47', 'joda.time.version' => '2.8.2' ) plugin_management do jar( 'junit:junit:4.11', :scope => 'test' ) plugin( 'org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:2.4.0', 'instructions' => { 'Export-Package' => 'org.jruby.*;version=${project.version}', 'Import-Package' => '!org.jruby.*, *;resolution:=optional', 'Private-Package' => 'org.jruby.*,jnr.*,com.kenai.*,com.martiansoftware.*,jay.*,jline.*,jni.*,org.fusesource.*,org.jcodings.*,org.joda.convert.*,org.joda.time.*,org.joni.*,org.yaml.*,org.yecht.*,tables.*,org.objectweb.*,com.headius.*,org.bouncycastle.*,com.jcraft.jzlib,.', 'Bundle-Name' => '${} ${project.version}', 'Bundle-Description' => '${} ${project.version} OSGi bundle', 'Bundle-SymbolicName' => '${bundle.symbolic_name}' } ) do execute_goals( 'manifest', :phase => 'prepare-package' ) end plugin( :site, '3.3', 'skipDeploy' => 'true' ) plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin:1.8' plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1' plugin :antrun, '1.7' plugin :source, '2.1.2' plugin :assembly, '2.4' plugin :install, '2.4' plugin :deploy, '2.7' plugin :javadoc, '2.7' plugin :resources, '2.6' plugin :clean, '2.5' plugin :dependency, '2.8' plugin :release, '2.4.1' plugin :jar, '2.6' rules = { :requireMavenVersion => { :version => '[3.3.0,)' } } unless model.version =~ /-SNAPSHOT/ #rules[:requireReleaseDeps] = { :message => 'No Snapshots Allowed!' } end plugin :enforcer, '1.4' do execute_goal :enforce, :rules => rules end plugin :compiler, '3.3' plugin :shade, '2.4.3' plugin :surefire, '2.15' plugin :plugin, '3.2' plugin( :invoker, '1.8', 'properties' => { 'jruby.version' => '${project.version}', 'jruby.plugins.version' => '${jruby.plugins.version}' }, 'pomIncludes' => [ '*/pom.xml' ], 'pomExcludes' => [ 'extended/pom.xml', '${its.j2ee}', '${its.osgi}' ], 'projectsDirectory' => 'src/it', 'cloneProjectsTo' => '${}/it', 'preBuildHookScript' => 'setup.bsh', 'postBuildHookScript' => 'verify.bsh', 'goals' => [:install], 'streamLogs' => 'true' ) do execute_goals( 'install', 'run', :id => 'integration-test' ) end plugin 'org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping:1.0.0' plugin :'scm-publish', '1.0-beta-2' end plugin( :site, 'port' => '9000', 'tempWebappDirectory' => '${basedir}/target/site/tempdir' ) do execute_goals( 'stage', :id => 'stage-for-scm-publish', :phase => 'post-site', 'skipDeploy' => 'false' ) end plugin( :'scm-publish', '1.0-beta-2', 'scmBranch' => 'gh-pages', 'pubScmUrl' => '', 'tryUpdate' => 'true' ) do execute_goals( 'publish-scm', :id => 'scm-publish', :phase => 'site-deploy' ) end modules [ 'core', 'lib' ] # Truffle is by default only built if a JDK 8+ is available profile 'truffle' do activation do jdk '[1.8,)' # 1.8+ end modules [ 'truffle' ] end build do default_goal 'install' end profile 'test' do properties 'invoker.skip' => false modules [ 'test' ] end [ 'rake', 'exec' ].each do |name| profile name do modules [ 'test' ] build do default_goal 'package' end end end [ 'bootstrap', 'bootstrap-no-launcher' ].each do |name| profile name do modules [ 'test' ] end end [ 'jruby-jars', 'main', 'complete', 'dist' ].each do |name| profile name do modules [ 'maven' ] build do default_goal 'install' plugin_management do plugin :surefire, '2.15', :skipTests => true end end end end [ 'osgi', 'j2ee' ].each do |name| profile name do modules [ 'maven' ] properties( 'invoker.skip' => false, "its.#{name}" => 'no-excludes/pom.xml' ) build do default_goal 'install' plugin :invoker, 'pomIncludes' => [ "#{name}*/pom.xml" ] end end end profile 'apps' do modules ['maven'] build do default_goal 'install' end end profile 'jruby_complete_jar_extended' do modules [ 'test', 'maven' ] build do default_goal 'install' end end all_modules = [ 'truffle', 'test', 'maven' ] profile 'all' do modules all_modules build do default_goal 'install' end end profile 'clean' do modules all_modules build do default_goal 'clean' end end profile 'release' do modules [ 'truffle', 'test', 'maven' ] properties 'invoker.skip' => true end profile 'snapshots' do modules [ 'truffle', 'maven' ] distribution_management do repository( :url => "file:${}/maven", :id => 'local releases' ) snapshot_repository( :url => "file:${}/maven", :id => 'local snapshots' ) end build do default_goal :deploy end plugin(:source) do execute_goals('jar-no-fork', :id => 'attach-sources') end plugin(:javadoc) do execute_goals('jar', :id => 'attach-javadocs') end end profile 'single invoker test' do activation do property :name => 'invoker.test' end properties 'invoker.skip' => false end profile 'jdk8' do activation do jdk '1.8' end plugin :javadoc, :additionalparam => '-Xdoclint:none' end reporting do plugin( :'project-info-reports', '2.4', 'dependencyLocationsEnabled' => 'false', 'dependencyDetailsEnabled' => 'false' ) plugin :changelog, '2.2' plugin( :checkstyle, '2.9.1', 'configLocation' => '${main.basedir}/docs/style_checks.xml', 'propertyExpansion' => 'cacheFile=${}/checkstyle-cachefile' ) do report_set( 'checkstyle', :inherited => 'false' ) end plugin( 'org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:2.5.1', 'aggregate' => 'true' ) plugin :dependency, '2.8' do report_set 'analyze-report' end plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5' plugin( :javadoc, '2.9', 'quiet' => 'true', 'aggregate' => 'true', 'failOnError' => 'false', 'detectOfflineLinks' => 'false', 'show' => 'package', 'level' => 'package', 'maxmemory' => '1g' ) do report_set( 'javadoc', 'quiet' => 'true', 'failOnError' => 'false', 'detectOfflineLinks' => 'false' ) end plugin( :pmd, '2.7.1', 'linkXRef' => 'true', 'sourceEncoding' => 'utf-8', 'minimumTokens' => '100', 'targetJdk' => '${base.javac.version}' ) plugin( :jxr, '2.3', 'linkJavadoc' => 'true', 'aggregate' => 'true' ) plugin :'surefire-report', '2.14.1' plugin( 'org.codehaus.mojo:taglist-maven-plugin:2.4', 'tagListOptions' => { 'tagClasses' => { 'tagClass' => { 'tags' => [ { 'matchString' => 'todo', 'matchType' => 'ignoreCase' }, { 'matchString' => 'FIXME', 'matchType' => 'ignoreCase' }, { 'matchString' => 'deprecated', 'matchType' => 'ignoreCase' } ] } } } ) plugin 'org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.1' do report_set 'dependency-updates-report', 'plugin-updates-report', 'property-updates-report' end end end