We either need loud breaking errors, better docs, or both, but I tried putting a template in as templates/_foo-bar.handlebars
, adhering to dasherizedness but thinking that underscores are so ingrained that the underscore rule would win for the first char; doesn't seem like I'm the only dudette or dude tripped up by this.
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stefanpenner commentedon Jan 31, 2014
errors/warning seems key.
the docs are (or should be) "dasherize" everything
rwjblue commentedon Jan 31, 2014
You do not need to prefix the template with an underscore for partials (which I'm sure you already knew). I believe that the non-underscored version is looked up first, and the underscored name is only a fallback if that isn't found.
I think a deprecation warning in Ember itself when using underscored partials would also be useful to get folks ready.
I will look into adding a warning of some sort, in both projects.
rwjblue commentedon Jan 31, 2014
Just to clarify, I meant when using underscore prefixed partials.
rwjblue commentedon Feb 1, 2014
My prior comment was incorrect. Both underscored and non-underscored names are looked up, but the underscored version is the default. Basically, I had which one was deprecated backwards. Sorry about that.
For future reference here is the code handling the templateName.
rwjblue commentedon Feb 1, 2014
PR proposing a fix: #23.