Develop Arduino sketches using OCI-compatible Docker images.
Currently there are two types of images - a "base" image that contains the main dependencies to build a Arduino sketches and ones for a specific Cores. Most users will generally interact with the Core-specific images.
Building images locally ensures you can trust the source of the image, as well as allow you to modify the container image configuration.
Build the base image
docker build -f "./arduino-base/Dockerfile" -t arduino:base "./arduino-base/"
Build an image for the Arduino AVR Core:
docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE="arduino:base" --build-arg CORE="arduino:avr" --build-arg VERSION="latest" -f "./arduino/Dockerfile" -t arduino:arduino-avr-latest "./arduino"
Build an image for the Adafruit SAMD Core:
docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE="arduino:base" --build-arg CORE="adafruit:samd" --build-arg VERSION="latest" --build-arg URL="" -f "./arduino/Dockerfile" -t arduino:adafruit-samd-latest "./arduino"