Hey there,
to catch changes early on I often try to compile things with the latest Elixir version from GitHub. I noticed the following issue.
To reproduce, use latest Elixir from GitHub and try to compile a project with ex_cldr_numbers in it.
I did mix new cldr_bug
project, added ex_cldr and ex_cldr_numbers:
defmodule MyApp.Cldr do
@moduledoc """
Define a backend module that will host our
Cldr configuration and public API.
Most function calls in Cldr will be calls
to functions on this module.
use Cldr,
locales: ["en", "fr", "zh", "th"],
default_locale: "en",
providers: [Cldr.Number]
and then
~/cldr_bug> mix compile
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generating MyApp.Cldr for 5 locales named [:en, :fr, :th, :und, :zh] with a default locale named :en
== Compilation error in file lib/cldr.ex ==
** (ArgumentError) tried to unquote invalid AST: %Cldr.Config{default_locale: :en, locales: [:en, :fr, :th, :und, :zh], add_fallback_locales: false, backend: MyApp.Cldr, gettext: nil, data_dir: "/Users/steffen/cldr_bug/_build/dev/lib/ex_cldr/priv/cldr", providers: [Cldr.Number], precompile_number_formats: [], precompile_transliterations: [], precompile_date_time_formats: [], precompile_interval_formats: [], default_currency_format: nil, otp_app: nil, generate_docs: true, suppress_warnings: false, message_formats: %{}, force_locale_download: false, https_proxy: nil}
Did you forget to escape term using Macro.escape/1?
(elixir 1.18.0-dev) src/elixir_quote.erl:542: :elixir_quote.argument_error/1
(ex_cldr_numbers 2.33.3) lib/cldr/number/backend/decimal_formatter.ex:78: Cldr.Number.Backend.Decimal.Formatter.define_number_module/1
(ex_cldr_numbers 2.33.3) lib/cldr/number/backend/compiler.ex:11: Cldr.Number.Backend.define_number_modules/1
(ex_cldr 2.40.1) lib/cldr/config/config.ex:2658: anonymous fn/3 in Cldr.Config.define_provider_modules/1
(elixir 1.18.0-dev) lib/enum.ex:2546: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
(ex_cldr 2.40.1) lib/cldr/config/config.ex:2656: Cldr.Config.define_provider_modules/1
(ex_cldr 2.40.1) expanding macro: Cldr.Backend.Compiler.__before_compile__/1
lib/cldr.ex:1: MyApp.Cldr (module)
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