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OpenGL 4.4 Highlights (g-truc review)

  • creates a GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER buffer and in the fragment shader increments it and uses it to shade
  • "Searching performance, we might mislead ourselves very easily. Good performance for a real time software is not about having the highest average frame rate but having the highest minimum framerate by avoiding latency spikes. Sadly, most benchmarks don't really show the performance of hardware but how bad they are to do whatever they do and they will typically report average FPS ignoring the real user experience.

The OpenGL specifications provide buffer objects since OpenGL 1.5 and that includes the famous usage hints. Why is it called hints? Because an implementation can do whatever it wants with a buffer regardless of the hint set at the buffer creation. In average the drivers do a good job and increase the average frame rate however the behavior of the drivers is nearly unpredictable and it could decide to move a buffer at the worse time in our program leading to latency spikes.

The purpose of ARB_buffer_storage is to resolve this issue and make performance more reliable by replacing the usage hints by usage flags and creating immutable buffers.

Immutable buffers are buffers that we can't change the size or orphans. To create an immutable buffer we use glBufferStorage command and because it is immutable we can't possible call glBufferData on that buffer.

If we want to modify a buffer we need to use the flag GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT. If we want to read its content, we need to use the flag GL_MAP_READ_BIT. Only using these flags implies that we can't use glBufferSubData to modify an immutable buffer.

GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT simply ensures that the mapped pointer remains valid even if rendering commands are executed during the mapping. GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT opens opportunities to ensure that whenever the client of server side performs charges on a buffer, these changes will be visible on this other side.

So, no more hints on buffers? Unfortunately, these are not dead as two hints have been included: GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT. I guess if we want to be serious about OpenGL programming and performance level, we should never use GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT and GL_CLIENT_STORAGE_BIT.

  • GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object
  • loads a diffuse texture and creates a COPY immutable storage buffer with glBufferStorage and ´GL_MAP_WRITE_BITand writes in it the vertex positions and indices. Then it creates other two immutable buffers,VERTEXandELEMENT, and copies in them the corresponding data from COPY`. Then it renders the diffuse texture.
  • GL_ARB_buffer_storage
  • GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
  • OpenGL 4.4 capabilities
  • "ARB_texture_stencil8 is a good sense extension. The only case where we would want to use renderbuffer with OpenGL 4.3 would be to create a stencil only framebuffer attachment. With this new extension, we can create a stencil texture, which bury renderbuffers. They could have been useful for tile based GPUs but it seems that nobody cared to keep them special enough to legitimate their existence. Hence, they are deprecated in my mind and if I were to use them, it would be only to write cross API code between OpenGL ES 3.0 and OpenGL desktop."
  • loads a diffuse texture and creates an fbo with a color texture, a depth texture and a stencil texture as big as the diffuse. Then it splashes on screen.
  • GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments
  • GL_ARB_clear_texture
  • GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
  • loads a diffuse texture and renders it to another texture via an attachmentless fbo and then splashes it to screen
  • "Clearing a texture with OpenGL 4.3 is the most cumbersome thing to do. We need to create an FBO with this texture attached and clear it as a framebuffer attachment. Ah! Not only it costs a lot of CPU overhead to create that FBO but this affects the rendering pipeline as we need to bind this FBO to clear it.

Fortunately OpenGL 4.4 GL_ARB_clear_texture introduces glClearTexImage to clear a texture image and glClearTexSubimage to clear a part of this texture image. This feature provides a nice interaction with sparse textures and image load and store."

  • interface matching
  • "I have discussed many times about the issues with the GLSL shader interface and even ended up writing an article for OpenGL Insight about this topic. Since then, many things have changed and GLSL 4.40 shader interface are a lot more robust than what they used to be in GLSL 1.50. Unfortunately, these improvements come at the cost of complexity. In the following section we will cover the features provided by ARB_enhanced_layouts to OpenGL 4.4 core specifications." You should now match interfaces by location rather than by name to avoid any trouble for the compiler if we don't link. Example of a shader output interface matching by name:
layout out vec4 A;
layout out vec3 B;
layout out float C;

Example of a shader input interface matching by name:

layout out vec4 A;
layout out float C;

Example of a shader output interface matching by location:

layout (location = 0) out vec4 A;
layout (location = 1) out vec3 B;
layout (location = 2) out float C;

Example of a shader input interface matching by location:

layout (location = 0) in vec4 M;
layout (location = 2) in float N;
  • Same for blocks, example of a shader output interface matching by block name:
out blockA // This is called the block name
   vec4 A;
   vec3 B;
} outA; // This is called the instance name

out blockB
   vec2 A;
   vec2 B;
} outB;

Example of a shader input interface matching by block name:

in blockB
   vec2 A;
   vec2 B;
} inB;

If we don't link the interface won't match. Example of a shader output interface matching by location:

layout (location = 0) out blockA
   vec4 A;
   vec3 B;
} outA; 

layout (location = 2) out blockB
   vec2 A;
   vec2 B;
} outB;

Example of a shader input interface matching by location:

layout (location = 2) in blockB
   vec2 A;
   vec2 B;
} inB;

" I used 0 and 2 as the locations fro the two blocks. Why not using 0 and 1? In that case outB.A and OutA.B would use the same location for these two variables.

A location is not an index but an abstract representation of the memory layout. Basically, all scalar and vector types consume 1 location except dvec3 and dvec4 that may consume 2 locations. However, it doesn't mean that the OpenGL implementations necessarily consume 4 components when we use a float variable for example. Locations provide a way to locate where variables are stored but giving enough freedom to the compiler to pack the inputs and the outputs the way it wants."

  • Moreover, struct member can't have location:
layout(location = 3) in struct S {
    vec3 a;                       // gets location 3
    mat2 b;                       // gets locations 4 and 5
    vec4 c[2];                    // gets locations 6 and 7
    layout (location = 8) vec2 A; // ERROR, can't use on struct member
} s;
  • you need to take care if you explicitely want to assign a specific location to a block member:
layout(location = 4) in block {
    vec4 d;                       // gets location 4
    vec4 e;                       // gets location 5
    layout(location = 7) vec4 f;  // gets location 7
    vec4 g;                       // gets location 8
    layout (location = 1) vec4 h; // gets location 1
    vec4 i;                       // gets location 2
    vec4 j;                       // gets location 3
    vec4 k;                       // ERROR, location 4 already used
  • ARB_enhanced_layouts gives a finer granularity control of how the components are consumed by the locations. Along with the location qualifier we have a new component layout qualifier to assign for each component of a single location multiple variables. " Think about component as a kind of component offset where the variable starts from, components count is 4, you cannot exceed that value. The specifications give a good code sample to understand the feature:
// a consumes components 2 and 3 of location 4
layout(location = 4, component = 2) in vec2 a;
// b consumes component 1 of location 4
layout(location = 4, component = 1) in float b; 

// ERROR: c overflows components 2 and 3
layout(location = 3, component = 2) in vec3 c;
  • If the variable is an array, each element of the array, in order, is assigned to consecutive locations, but all at the same specified component within each location. For example:
// component 3 in 6 locations are consumed
layout(location = 2, component = 3) in float d[6]; 

That is, location 2 component 3 will hold d[0], location 3 component 3 will hold d[1], ..., up through location 7 component 3 holding d[5].

  • This allows packing of two arrays into the same set of locations:
// e consumes beginning (components 0, 1 and 2) of each of 6 slots
layout(location = 0, component = 0) in vec3 e[6];  

// f consumes last component of the same 6 slots            
layout(location = 0, component = 3) in float f[6]; 
  • Two new qualifiers have been added to uniform and storage blocks: offsetand align. These qualifiers give a control per variable on how they map the memory:
uniform block
   layout (offset = 0) vec4 kueken;
   layout (offset = 64) vec4 ovtsa;

The value passed to the offset qualifier is expressed in bytes and points to the memory used to store the variable in memory. If the compiler removes a variable between kueken and ovtsa because it is not an active variable, thanks to the offset qualifier on ovtsa we can guarantee that the variable will back the right memory.

The align qualifier provides guarantees that the variables will use the correct padding of the memory:

uniform block
   vec4 kueken;
   layout (offset = 44, align = 8) vec4 ovtsa; // Effectively store at offset 48
  • Constant expressions. Let's say that we want to do a partial interface matching on the outB block:
out block
   A a; // A is a structure
   B b; // B is a structure
   C c; // C is a structure
} outB;

If we remove B in the corresponding input block, the shader interface won't match when using separate programs so we need to use the layout location qualifier:

out block
   layout (location = 0) A a; // A is a structure
   layout (location = LOCATION_OF_A) B b; // B is a structure
   layout (location = LOCATION_OF_A + LOCATION_OF_B) C c; // C is a structure
} outB;

// In the subsequent shader stage:
in block
   layout (location = 0) A a; 
   layout (location = LOCATION_OF_A + LOCATION_OF_B) C c;
} inB;
  • "A common misconception in rendering is that draw calls are expensive. They are not. What's expensive is switching resources between draw calls as that introduces a massive CPU overhead while the draw call itself is just the GPU command processor launching a job. Hence, we need to avoid switching resources relying on batching and on shader based dynamically uniform resource indexing. I have largely cover this topic in my GPU Pro 4 chapter titled "Introducing the programmable pulling rendering pipeline". For this purpose, OpenGL introduces two new extentions: ARB_shader_draw_parameters and ARB_indirect_parameters.
  • GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect
  • GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
  • GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object
  • GL_ARB_buffer_storage
Application    side    
// Create a buffer object for the query result
gl4.glGenBuffers(1, queryBuffer);
gl4.glBindBuffer(GL_QUERY_BUFFER_AMD, queryBuffer.get(0));
gl4.glBufferData(GL_QUERY_BUFFER_AMD, Integer.BYTES, null, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
// Perform occlusion query
gl4.glBeginQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, queryId.get(0))
// Get query results to buffer object
gl4.glBindBuffer(GL_QUERY_BUFFER_AMD, queryBuffer.get(0));
gl4.glGetQueryObjectuiv(queryId, GL_QUERY_RESULT, 0);
// Bind query result buffer as uniform buffer
gl4.glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, queryBuffer.get(0));
uniform queryResult
uint samplesPassed;
void main()
   if(samplesPassed > threshold)    {
      //    Complex    processing
      //    Simplified    processing

Furthermore, with query buffers, we can request the result of many queries at the same time by mapping the buffer instead of submitting one OpenGL command per query to get each result.

  • GL_ARB_query_buffer_object
  • "Some features seem to live forgotten by all until someone realized: "Hey, we all support it now, let's put it in core". This is what happens to ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge that has been promoted from EXT_texture_mirror_clamp, itself promoted from ATI_texture_mirror_once and stripped down to one feature, a new wrap mode called GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE. It looks like that GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_BORDER has been removed because every vendor doesn't support it. A quick look at glCapsViewer database shows that AMD and NVIDIA support EXT_texture_mirror_clamp but not Intel.

Ultimately, the GPU texture units will remain fixed function at least for the 10 years to come. This is because a texture unit gathers many texels but only outputs a single filtered sample. Sending all these texels to the shader units would cost too much transistors just to convoy them and it consumes a lot more local registers. Using the fetchTexel instruction it is possible to program even an anisotropic sampling but this is magnitude slower according to my experience. "

  • "As mentioned, what's expensive is not submitting draw calls but switching resources. With ARB_multi_bind we can bind all the textures, all the buffers, all the texture images, all the samplers in one call, reducing the CPU overhead. I like the API because we no longer need the target parameter or selectors to bind a texture:
// Binding textures with OpenGL 4.3
gl4.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureNames.get(0));
gl4.glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureNames.get(1));
// Binding textures with OpenGL 4.4
gl4.glBindTextures(0, 2, textureNames);

Furthermore, derived texture states are also use to bind texture images. Maybe one limitation of this extension is that we must bind consecutive units.

  • With OpenGL 4.3 every single shader interface could reference its resource unit in the shader... every interface but one! The one used for transform feedback. This is done using new ugly namespaced qualifier. Transform feedback setup in a geometry shader:
layout (xfb_buffer = 0, xfb_offset = 0) out vec3 var1;
layout (xfb_buffer = 0, xfb_offset = 24) out vec3 var1;
layout (xfb_buffer = 1, xfb_offset = 0) out vec3 var1;
layout (xfb_buffer = 1, xfb_offset = 32) out vec3 var1;

The process is actually simpler that the old API approach. We just need to bind our buffers to transform feedbacks unit and then set at which offset we will store the variable data. The stride qualifier is used to specify at which offset to output the next vertex.

  • transforms a vec4 position into vec4 position and vec4 color
  • set the interface in the following way:
layout(xfb_buffer = 0, xfb_stride = 32) out;

out Block
    layout(xfb_buffer = 0, xfb_offset = 16) vec4 color;
} outBlock;

out gl_PerVertex
    layout(xfb_buffer = 0, xfb_offset = 0) vec4 gl_Position;
  • GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts