namespace Celeste64;
/// Draws any Models provided here, if the Actor's World Bounds is visible in the Camera
public interface IHaveModels
public void CollectModels(List<(Actor Actor, Model Model)> populate);
/// Draws any Sprites provided here, if the Actor's World Bounds is visible in the Camera
public interface IHaveSprites
public void CollectSprites(List populate);
/// Draws UI above the gameplay (regardless of where the Actor is)
public interface IHaveUI
public void RenderUI(Batcher batch, Rect bounds);
/// Solid Platforms will search for any Actor implementing these, and move them with it
public interface IRidePlatforms
public void RidingPlatformSetVelocity(in Vec3 value);
public void RidingPlatformMoved(in Vec3 delta);
public bool RidingPlatformCheck(Actor platform);
/// Player searches for these and calls Pickup when they're near it
public interface IPickup
public float PickupRadius { get; }
public void Pickup(Player player);
/// Player pushes out of these. Creates a Cylindar-shape from relative 0,0,0
public interface IHavePushout
public float PushoutHeight { get; set; }
public float PushoutRadius { get; set; }
/// Actor is notified of Audio Timeline Events
public interface IListenToAudioCallback
public void AudioCallbackEvent(int beatIndex);
/// Actor is recycled instead of destroyed. Call World.Request to get a new one.
public interface IRecycle { }
/// Strawberries search for any of these within their Target GroupName, and
/// waits until they're all satisfied or destroyed.
public interface IUnlockStrawberry
public bool Satisfied { get; }
/// Actors with this interface will cast a small point shadow downwards
public interface ICastPointShadow
public float PointShadowAlpha { get; set; }
/// Player searches for these and calls HandleDash if it collides at high velocity
public interface IDashTrigger
public bool BouncesPlayer { get; }
public void HandleDash(Vec3 velocity);