# base redis flask>=1.0 setuptools>=38.6.0 configobj hvac django # django-debug-toolbar 4.4.0 has a breaking change for our tests # this is a workaround, we may adapt it later # https://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changes.html#id3 django-debug-toolbar~=4.3.0 boto3 # release wheel twine git-changelog bump-my-version # testing pytest pytest-cov pytest-mock commentjson pytest-docker tox # style check radon pre-commit mypy ruff typos # tools ipython<=8.12.1 ipdb # python-minifier # Doesnt work with 3.12, must be installed by CI on release job pdbr[ipython] # MKDOCS mkdocs>=1.1.2 mkdocstrings[python] mkdocs-material>=5.3.2 mkdocs-material-extensions>=1.0 mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin mkdocs-autorefs pymdown-extensions Jinja2>3.0.0 # editable dynaconf --editable .