% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/pStrataTEI.R \name{pStrataTEI} \alias{pStrataTEI} \title{Compute Partial Transcriptome Evolutionary Index (TEI) Strata Values} \usage{ pStrataTEI( ExpressionSet, Phylostratum = NULL, split = 1e+05, showprogress = TRUE, threads = 1 ) } \arguments{ \item{ExpressionSet}{expression object with rownames as GeneID (dgCMatrix) or standard PhyloExpressionSet object.} \item{Phylostratum}{a named vector representing phylostratum per GeneID with names as GeneID (not used if Expression is PhyloExpressionSet).} \item{split}{specify number of columns to split} \item{showprogress}{boolean if progressbar should be shown} \item{threads}{specify number of threads} } \value{ a numeric matrix storing the summed partial TEI values for each strata. } \description{ This function computes the partial transcriptome evolutionary index (TEI) values combined for each strata. In detail, each gene gets a \emph{TEI contribution profile}. \deqn{TEI_{is} = f_{is} * ps_i} where \eqn{TEI_{is}} is the partial TEI value of gene i, \eqn{f_{is} = e_{is} / \sum e_{is}} and \eqn{ps_i} is the phylostratum of gene i. \eqn{TEI_{is}} values are combined per \eqn{ps}. } \details{ The partial TEI values combined per strata give an overall impression of the contribution of each strata to the global \code{\link{TEI}} pattern. } \examples{ # reading a standard PhyloExpressionSet data(PhyloExpressionSetExample, package = "myTAI") # computing partial TEI contribution per gene pS <- pStrataTEI(PhyloExpressionSetExample) } \references{ Domazet-Loso T. and Tautz D. (2010). \emph{A phylogenetically based transcriptome age index mirrors ontogenetic divergence patterns}. Nature (468): 815-818. Quint M et al. (2012). \emph{A transcriptomic hourglass in plant embryogenesis}. Nature (490): 98-101. Drost HG et al. (2015) Mol Biol Evol. 32 (5): 1221-1231 doi:10.1093/molbev/msv012 } \author{ Kristian K Ullrich }